To Be King (8)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

This was the second week of the Ko-fi goal that was completed by 917brat and the other ko-fi supporter (anon)! This is the 4th and last sponsored chapter! Please thank them again for donating to complete the goal (twice)! :D <3 thank you so much for your support of me and my story.


By the time Grey, Noah, Abner, and Hartley got back to the White Lily Mansion, it was almost dawn. Luckily, they made it back before the servants started waking up.

As for them, they all went to bed without eating breakfast. They were too tired to think. Though Grey had a painful sleep, it was better than not sleeping at all...

When Grey woke up, he felt his body was sticky. He didn't wear clothes, but his bed was slightly moist, showing that he was sweating all night.

"Having to take a bath twice a day is a pain in the ass..." Grey always showered after waking up and then took a bath before going to bed.

Before he could get off his bed, he heard a familiar *chirp chirp* sound.

System 225's excited voice resounded through Grey's head, [Grey! I have come back. I'm sorry I took so long.]

'System 225! Welcome back. It's good you are finally here.' Grey stopped moving and gave a sigh of relief.

Things were a bit harder without System 225, making him appreciate his presence even more.

[I got a report from Arisa and System 505. You are doing quite well so far. Keep it up.]

'Thank you, System 225. Can you help me analyze this chest? It's locked with magic.'

[Sure, let me see it.]

Grey took the small chest out of the System Space. The two of them could see a complex magic circle where the lock was.

[Analyzing chest, magic seal detected... Analyzing the magic seal... Results in 3, 2, 1...] It was System 225's automated voice.

[This magic seal can't be broken by normal means. You will need to find a mage that's stronger than the one that cast it. Thankfully though, it seems the seal has weakened quite a bit.]

'Eh? How come?'

[It's because the one who cast the seal is dead. Even though the seal doesn't disappear after death, it will eventually weaken over time. Most people don't know this though, only mages do.]

He didn't know if the mage died due to old age or was killed by Queen Meredith and Consort Ceanna. Either way, it was good news for him because he could find a mage with tight lips to undo the seal. And there wasn't a mage alive to report the seal was taken off.

'Thanks for the help, System 225.'

[It's no trouble at all, Grey. I do have one more thing to say though.]

'What is it?'

[In the world plot, one of Prime Minister Dean's trusted allies is a mage. If you can get in contact with him, you may be able to get help from someone trustworthy. He also has an alchemist on hand.]

'God System really likes to come in when I need him most.'

Regardless of whether God System's role was major or minor, he was always helpful.

[Be sure to get rid of the curse as soon as possible. You never know what will happen when Consort Ceanna and Queen Meredith find out the chest is gone.]

'That's true...'

Grey got off the bed and walked to his desk. He wrote a letter and then whistled a tune to call his hawk. The messenger bird quickly flew through the window and landed on the desk.

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