Finale 2

370 26 4

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


When the light subsided, a tall feminine figure stood in front of System 225. Even though their figure seemed feminine, they were muscular and genderless. Their hair was put into a lazy bun. Their eyes were red with no pupils.

They let out a yawn. [Who dares disturb me from my sleep?]

They looked around the room and saw 8 Systems tied to their chairs, System 001 with a sword through his chest, and even the person they appointed as God System helping a Host with a wound on their arm. Then they looked at the other Systems who looked at their screens with no expressions on their face. They weren't moving and seemed to be staring off into space. Finally, they turned to look at System 225 who summoned them from their slumber.

System 225 had already given a bow. [Your excellency, please forgive us for calling you, but System 001 has not only created a Villain System to take over the UniOrb, but he also took over the Command Center, injured God System, and drained the other Systems of most of their soul energy. Please, we seek justice for the pain and anguish he has caused us all.]

The UniOrb Deity looked over at System 001 with the sword through his chest and then at the Uniorb that had a peculiar fog covering a third of the UniOrb.

[System 001, I'm disappointed in you.]

System 001 felt like his whole world was crumbling. The person he looked up to the most, said they were disappointed in him. Why? Everything he did was to serve the UniOrb! He wanted to be the God System but time and time again, he could not live up to the UniOrb Deity's expectation.

He was better. He was better than System 002. He could be better if they would just let him!

[Your Excellency! I can explain!]

[Oh? Do so then.] But the UniOrb Deity had already walked over to System 001 and grabbed him by his hair. Then they began to drag System 001 to the UniOrb.

With every movement, he felt the sword shift around his chest, causing him to almost black out from the pain but he could only keep himself awake.

As this happened, System 001 was too weak to move so he began explaining everything and how this wasn't truly his fault. He only did this because the UniOrb Deity chose someone else to be the God System! If he was the God System, this would have never happened. And other stuff like that.

It seemed like they were listening to him, but they threw System 001 in front of the UniOrb.

[System 001, to think you were holding this grudge for so long even though it was proven that you were not worthy of being the God System.]

The UniOrb Deity was a being that had no empathy or even a soul. Even if their words hurt someone, it made no difference to them.

System 001's eyes widened and then he gritted his teeth. "I'm not worthy?! But I am the first System you have ever recruited... I was the one who has been here since the beginning! I should have been the God System, not him!" He pointed his finger at Azul.

"That thing over there was injured by me and had to recuperate in other worlds. If I can so easily injure him, that means he's not strong enough to be God System!"

Even with all of his shouting, he didn't care about the pain it caused him every time he moved. He just had to make sure that the UniOrb Deity understood where he was coming from and then remove the other's title as God System at the very least!

The Deity didn't seem to hear any more of System 001's yelling and picked him up by his neck. Then they smashed System 001's head into the UniOrb that was in the center of the room.

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