Spirit Prince (7)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Not much happened on their journey to the capital, Juline, so they arrived there with no troubles. Juline was in the northern part of the country where the weather was nice all year round.

The Knights of Frayx escorted the prisoners to the castle and directed Jasper's and Liam's men to their temporary housing. All foreign Royalty and their men were given a nice estate by the castle. The survivors, Madam Rottrett, and her son were also given temporary housing elsewhere.

The estate was close to the castle, close enough to walk there, though most nobility and royalty wouldn't dare. Liam and Fel shared a room, after much debating, and settled into their room with no problems.

The room was your typical nobleman's room with gaudy decorations and gold. The bed was quite large and able to fit at least five people in there. There wasn't much in the room, seeing as it was a guest room.

Fel, who had changed his clothing, jumped onto the bed and sprawled out like a starfish.

"This bed is pretty comfortable! Been a long time since I've been on a bed this nice." Fel said in content as he closed his eyes and felt his body sink into the mattress.

Liam sat on the bed next to Fel. "If you come visit Floecia, I can show you the bed in my room, it's much nicer than this."

"That sounds nice." He had a lot of time in this world as a spirit, so it didn't matter to him. It was nice to think about how long he could relax here until he got tired of it and wanted to leave.

Liam stared at Fel for a while, though Fel didn't know what he was looking at. He just let the man be for a bit.

"Fel, why are you continuously using magic even when resting?" Liam finally stated his concerns that he was holding on to for the whole month.

Fel opened his eyes and looked at Liam who was staring at him intently. His face was filled with worry. He felt bad for making the man worry, but it was nothing for him.

"To think you could see the magic surrounding my body, aren't you a powerful one? It's an illusion spell that is used to hide my true form. It's normal for spirits to hide their true forms and only unleash them when in battle. I am second to the Spirit King and Queen, you know?"

Fel made it sound like he was joking, but he was very serious. His father was the Spirit Elemental Fox King and his mother was the Spirit Dragon Queen. They were the highest-ranking spirits. He also had an elder brother who would take his father's place. It wasn't a lie that he was a spirit ranked just below the Spirit King. He was a Prince with no other titles, but he was doted on the most by his parents and his brother.

He sat up and gave a playful smirk. "Would you like to see? But I'm sure you will be quite shocked to see my true form." If anyone else saw his true form, they would have to die, which was what his parents and brother taught him. It was fine if it was Liam as he liked the man a lot.

"I would love to see!"

"Alright, let me get off the bed." Fel stepped off the bed and stood a few feet away from it, making sure he had lots of room.

At his command, his body lit up. It wasn't a long process, but Liam felt that time began to slow down as he watched the tail become nine tails.

One by one, different colored tails came out, red (fire), blue (water), green (wind), yellow (earth), brown (wood), purple (space-time), black (darkness), white (light), and grey (neutral). In the end, his original whitetail stood tall in the middle. His tails were just as long as he was tall, but they somehow never touched the ground, as if they were floating. His white hair grew a foot long, his gold eyes deepened, a red teardrop sat between his eyebrows. His fox-like eyes narrowed, still hinting at his playfulness.

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