Trans Idol (1)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

Before we get started, I (Grandpa Marky) just want to say this one more time:

When referring to both the MC and the original body, please use he/him pronouns. I repeat, do not ask what the original body's deadname is. It is rude to ask a transgender person this. Also, do not ask what their genitalia is. This is also rude. You do not go up to strangers and ask them what they have between their legs.

Any transphobic comments will be reported and deleted. If you are uncomfortable about this, do not read my story. There's an important character that gets introduced in this Arc so it wouldn't do you good to skip it.
If you have any questions relating to sex and gender, I will do my best to answer them or refer you to another resource.
Other than that, please do not post rude comments, I do not take bullshit. If you try to debate with me in the comments, just know your comment will be ignored and deleted.

Alright, thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoy this Arc as much as I did! <3


When the Host woke up, he found himself lying on the floor in the middle of a room. The room was filled with instruments, music sheets, notebooks full of lyrics, and a desk with a computer on it. There was also equipment on the desk that he couldn't identify from afar. There was a nightstand next to the twin-size bed that sat in the right corner furthest away from the door. He could see an opened closet door. A window was on the wall in front of him.

When he became conscious of where he was, he felt an incredibly horrific feeling coursing through his body. It was so uncomfortable, he wanted to rip his skin off to get rid of the itchy, stabbing feeling. Strong emotions assaulted him, making him nauseous.

He ran out of the room to find the bathroom. Luckily the bathroom door, which was in the same hallway on the left, was open, so he ran in, shut the door, and vomited into the toilet. He puked until the only thing left in his stomach was gastric acid, but he still didn't feel better.

It was the first time he had ever gone into a body that had such strong negative emotions. It was so strong that he could only shiver on the carpet in the bathroom. He wanted to find something to take his mind off of the nightmarishly disgusting feelings he felt.

'System, what's going on?'

[Answering Host, the emotions that you are feeling are the original soul's feelings about his body. His soul fiercely rejected his body's construction of data, and the accumulated emotions that were on his soul had latched on to yours the moment you entered the body.]

The Host didn't understand why the original had such strong hate for his body until he felt something was off. He looked around for a moment feeling that something was making him feel extreme discomfort. Not seeing anything strange around him, he looked down at his own body to only be shocked. Two small lumps on his chest and an empty feeling in his crotch. He felt there was definitely something that was supposed to be in between his legs, but there was nothing.

Seeing his crotch, another intense wave of nausea hit and he went back to the toilet.

The Host couldn't calm himself down to receive the world data, so he had System 225 tell him about the body and the world he was in.

[Host, the legal name of your body is L******. The name he goes by is Jaden Autumn. In the society of this world, he is labeled as a "trans man." Trans men are individuals whose sex is labeled as "female" at birth, while their gender identity is "male." This type of labeling is especially prevalent in societies that are fixed to binaries. The reason for this peculiarity is because there are times where souls slip into bodies that are not correctly formatted.

Teaming Up With System 225Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang