Shadow Guard (3)

566 26 3

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


Going on the campaign wasn't difficult for Grey as he was used to it. The original 18 had also gone far and wide to complete assassination missions (as it was training). It was nothing to have to walk for many hours and sleep outside in the wilderness.

Prince Cecil had brought 500 Royal Knights as well as 1000 Knights and 2000 Soldiers to reinforce the men at the Southern Borders. The small army he brought was split into squads that were led by Knight-Captains. His generals were already protecting their assigned sections of the Empire, so Prince Cecil had come out personally.

They had been walking as fast as they could to reach the Southern Border. With the number of people going on the campaign, they couldn't rest inside towns or villages, so they set up camp outside of the walls of the town and had individuals coming in and out to get supplies. The townsfolk happily sold the army supplies because they were paid well. Luckily, no one was rowdy enough to try to force the citizens to give them free items. In the presence of their Knight Commander, if he found out, the perpetrators would have been beheaded in the town's square!

At night time, different squads were assigned for guard duty. They switched every couple of hours to ensure that people got a sufficient amount of sleep.

Each squad had about 100 men led by a Knight-Captain. Knight-Captains were usually Royal Knights who had many achievements. Blaine, the War Hero, was the strongest and had the most achievements. In the future, many speculated that he would most likely become a General.

Blaine was also in the campaign. As a Knight-Captain and a Royal Knight, he was strong and many looked up to him. But as there were mountains beyond mountains and heavens beyond heavens, even the War Hero had someone he looked up to, and that was the Knight Commander. He specifically volunteered his squad to join the campaign so that he could get a glimpse of the Knight Commander, the War God, on the battlefield.

Grey, who was hiding in a tree, was staring at Blaine who was on guard duty.

'System, that's the War Hero? He looks...'

[Does Grey think he looks adorable?]

The War Hero, Blaine, had quite the babyface. His cheeks puffed out a bit making him look extra cute. It was hard to believe that his face was put on that body that was muscular and toned. He also had big brown eyes and fluffy brown hair. He was just a bit shorter than Number 18, but he was the definition of adorable. Grey wanted to... squish his cheeks.

'You know me well. I wanna squish his cheeks...' He bet that it would be soft and fluffy to the touch.

[Grey, God System would be upset to know that you are staring so passionately at another man.]

'That man hasn't come to find me at all! Why should I care? What's the harm in pinching another man's cheeks?'


Grey watched the happy-go-lucky Blaine moving around the camp. He was like the Holy Father everyone wanted as their dad. He loved to help people and his smile on the battlefield was like a ray of hope.

'System, doesn't Blaine remind you of Kyle and Dex?' Their aura was way too similar. He knew Kyle had a desire to follow him, but to think he would even follow him in a world like this. It had been a long time since he had seen his best friend.

[If you touch him, I will be able to confirm it.]

'I guess I got to figure out a way to touch-'

"Number 18." A deep voice came from below him. After having Number 18 around him for a while, he was finally able to notice his small presence.

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