Labyrinth (11)

380 25 13

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


After resting on floor 35, Grey and the rest of the group continued on to the next floor. They went back into the formation of having Reyner, Andrea, and Lamine in the front, Micah, Grey, and Felicia in the middle, while Genji protected the rear.

The floors were uneventful. There were monsters, traps, and treasure chests. They trekked carefully, but they didn't feel overwhelmed. Luckily, they didn't encounter another floor like floor 21.

When they finally got to floor 40, the appearance of the labyrinth changed.

It looked like the entrance of the labyrinth, with cave walls, moss growing, and humidity that stuck to one's skin. There were stalactites on the ceiling with water dripping slowly into puddles on the ground.

There wasn't much on this floor. There was a hallway that led to a large clearing. Passing this clearing there was a short hallway with a teleport crystal at the end.

"Tread carefully," Grey warned his team members, "I feel the presence of a large monster in the center of the clearing."

They could see the clearing but there was nothing in the distance so they were wondering how Edwin could feel the presence.

Well, System 225 told him but he could also feel something. His gut was pretty accurate.

They slowly walked toward the clearing and realized just how large the room was. It was about half the size of a sports stadium. The clearing looked just like the hallway. There were no signs of the Holy Relic either.

"Are we supposed to activate something?" Andrea said as he looked around. He didn't stray far from the group.

Lamine also checked around for traps but didn't see anything. "I'm not sure either."

When everyone stepped into the clearing, they felt a familiar rumbling sound. The ground shook a bit, but it wasn't enough to sweep them off their feet.

"Again with this? Can't this labyrinth be a bit more original?" Genji shouted as he took out his sword. He felt something sinister.

Everyone else took out their weapon and looked around. Before they could even move, a large object fell from the ceiling. It was a golem, two times bigger than the ones on the other floors. Another large difference was that the core, which was usually found in the center of the body, was at the golem's forehead!

Genji looked up. "Shit, how the hell are we supposed to get up there without dying?!"

Grey instructed, "Micah ready your bow. Show me the fruits of your training!"

"Felicia, conserve your magic. Make sure you aim for the core! If you can't, use magic to slow the golem down. Lamine, see if you can stealthily climb the golem. If it's unsafe, fall back. Reyner, do your best to tank but don't try to take any blows head-on. Genji and Andrea, you two help Reyner knock the golem down to the ground.

"Don't be hasty! If you get hurt, fall back and I will heal you. Don't waste your strength on hitting anything else but the core or the legs! I will protect Micah and Felicia so battle to your heart's content."

"Understood!" The rest of them shouted and got into formation.

Reyner activated his skill, rage charge. This skill increased his speed but also increased the amount of aggro he would obtain. The larger the opponent, the more aggro he got, so he rarely used this move. If he did use it on a smaller opponent, it could be used to send the other flying backward.

"Arghhh!" Reyner cried out as he dashed toward the giant golem. His battle cry passive skill was able to grab the enemy's attention, so he put his whole heart and lungs into it.

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