Interstellar General (7)

483 30 5

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


The mysterious captain of the Silver-Tongued Snakes looked at the file on General Silas. He had a mask on his face and a snake piercing on his left ear. The snake coiled down from the helix to the lobule. It somehow coiled snuggly at his ear even though it was only pierced at the lobule. He had black hair, as black as the night sky. Looking at his face, one could only see his dark red eyes. The rest of his face was covered.

The masked captain laughed as he looked at the amount of money he received this time. "I've heard of the conflict between the Ebunox and Hanover families, but to think they would spend this much money to kill General Silas."

The captain's most trusted aide asked, "Are you going to kill him?"

"Of course not. If that man can single-handedly finish the Zerg Queen, what makes you think we are going to risk our lives?"

As the Captain of the Silver-Tongued Snakes, he could take on a lot of things, but an S-ranked man was someone he dared not. He was at the peak of A-ranked individuals, but there was still a large gap between S-ranked and A-ranked people.

"Then why are we here? You didn't even respond to their call."

"Obviously it's because we accepted the money. Once they come, we will immediately surrender. We will escape if things don't go as planned. I have already sent most of our troops away. I've only left those who are the fastest behind."

He wasn't stupid. He could distinguish a winning battle from a losing battle. If they really thought he was going to stick around, they had another thing coming! Plus, he didn't plunder the poor, only scamming the rich. He also background-checked the target before deciding whether or not he should assassinate them. If the person was a menace to society, of course, he was going to get rid of them. If the person was a decent person, he would still take the money and say he was unsuccessful. Not like anyone could find them. They were always traveling and never stayed in one place.

"Alright, let's wait for them to come. I'm sure just General Silas alone is enough to wipe us out."

His aide didn't understand why his captain was like this, but he didn't say anything. They had plenty of cash that could feed all of them for three lifetimes. They didn't have to worry about anything with their captain taking care of everything.

If only General Silas understood how they were, maybe they would be able to avoid bloodshed.


After Christoph left the room, Grey turned off his hologram to talk with Silas. "Are you going to kill them?"

Silas chuckled. "No, there's no need to do that."

"Why not?"

"Even though they murder influential people, the ones they murdered were those who committed terrible deeds. If the person they are contracted to is deemed as decent, they will accept the money, surrender, and then retreat."

Silas paused and sighed. "No matter what, there will always be a balance between black, white, and gray. There is no need to kill them when the work they do is something the military is unable to do."

Grey understood where Silas was getting at. "Can I come with you to see them? I'm curious what kind of people they are."

"Of course. I am also curious. It will be my first time meeting them."

Silas and Grey had a tactical understanding of one another and didn't say anything else. Silas went back to doing paperwork while Grey played games on his hologram.

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