Dystopia (2)

310 17 0

Edited by: Kuro and Lille


After drying his hair and putting on his bathrobe, Grey saw that Cyan was already in the room, relaxing on the bed.

Cyan felt more human here than when they first met.

"Valen, come here..."

Grey came over and saw some pills and water on the table. What was that?

"Ah, those? Apparently, the pills are used to induce heats in omegas... I don't know if you want to use those though."

"Well... Let's think about that later. Let's talk here since there are no cameras in the room."

There also weren't any microphones as the people in charge of the cameras were not interested in hearing couples have sex.

Grey laid on the bed next to Cyan. The sun was still up, so no one felt the need to have sex so quickly.

"Grey..." It was a name that Cyan held deep in his heart. He knew this was the only place he could call his husband like so. "You smell like lavender... so relaxing. I really like it."

He smelled like lavender? He hoped it wasn't too strong... "Really? You smell like an ocean breeze. Feels like I am on vacation. I like your scent too."

"Glad you like my scent."

"I'm glad we were able to meet so early. If you weren't my husband, I would have to start the world all over again..."

"I am also relieved... When I woke up in this world and found out I had to marry someone, I was a bit conflicted. I'm really happy it's you."

"Me too."

Honestly, he felt grateful that he and God System could meet so quickly. At least they could get through this world together from the start.

"Cyan... I don't really have memories of this body, so can you tell me a bit about the place we are living in?"

"This city is called XU239. Normal citizens can't leave the town but there's a select few that are allowed to come in with supplies. As for how new people get here, they have to be screened by the workers at the City Hall. The Lord of this city has the final say with everything though."

"The Lord?"

"That's correct. The Lord... Well, we don't know their name, we just call them the Lord. I also work at the City Hall, but I haven't seen the Lord once."

"Do you know where I work?"

"If I remember correctly, you are a teacher at the local school. You teach Year 5."

The local school was split into three buildings: Primary, Junior High, and Senior High schools. There were no universities, but they did have vocational academies that people could choose from after finishing their senior education.

Year 5 students were in Primary school. They were the last grade before the kids moved up to Junior high school.

According to Cyan, they had a week off to enjoy their marriage. Then they would have to go back to work.

Well, that made it easier for Grey. He had time to just relax and learn more about the world from Cyan. It would also give him time to look through the course material that he needed to teach the kids.

"Hmm, then let's relax for a bit." Cyan brought Grey into a hug. He just wanted to cuddle.

"Okay, that's fine with me."

'System, could you search through the original's computer and gather all the data I need for my job? With all these cameras, I don't know whether I would be deemed suspicious if I suddenly forget everything.'

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