Famous Author (6)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


When Ian and Valerie were alone, the two looked at each other as if there was a tactical understanding between them. They knew each other for so long, they didn't even have to say anything to know what the other was thinking.

At the same time, they said what needed to be said.

"She's the one." "He's definitely the one." Valerie was the former while Ian was the latter.

The two sighed as they stared at one another. They both knew each other quite well. So well that they both knew the other was also gay/lesbian without even having a conversation. They did have a conversation for shits and giggles, but they never felt the need to come out to one another.

They knew each other since they were 5 years old and got engaged a year ago due to their parents pestering them to get married to someone. In a heteronormative society, it was scary to come out, especially to come out alone. They decided to get engaged, maybe even get married until they found the one they were looking for. Shockingly, they both found the love of their lives at the same time. Truly, they were best friends.

"What do we do now...?" Ian was the first to ask. He regretted stating he had a fiancée, but he didn't want to lie.

Valerie wanted to cry. "I don't know, but she definitely didn't look at me."

"If he is gay or bi, I think he's going to ignore me after finding out you are my fiancée..."

The two sighed once more. It was going to be a rollercoaster of emotions and one hell of an explanation.


Calvin had the driver drop Lucy off first and arrived at his own apartment close to midnight. He didn't say anything and he didn't feel too well so he wanted to go inside to be in his own space.

When he got inside, he closed the door and slid down with his back pressed against the door until he was sitting on the floor by the entrance. He didn't say much, but he felt his heart hurting knowing that Ian already had a fiancée. It made his heart want to shatter into pieces. He had already thought about accepting the man's love, but now he was hesitant. He forgot the man did not have memories as he did.

Rapid thoughts flooded his mind. What happens if Ian didn't fall in love with him again in this life, and it was only Calvin who loved God System? He was already regretting not reciprocating the man's feelings in the last world until the very end. And now he was scared that he wouldn't be able to have the love of this man once again.

To give up and not hurt himself, or should he chase Ian until he could not chase anymore? But how about Ian's fiancée, Valerie? She seemed like a nice woman and he didn't want to harm her. He didn't want to cause drama or chaos just because God System didn't love him back in this world.

[Host...] System 225 was at a loss. Even he felt it was odd for God System to not be at the Host's side. [Maybe there is some special circumstance as to why they are together and in actuality, they don't like each other that way.] System 225 was spot on, but they didn't know that.

"It's fine, System. You don't have to try to cheer me up..."

Calvin slowly got off the ground and moved to his computer. He took the business card out of his pocket and was going to put it where he kept all his business cards and saw that Ian's card was black with white lettering. He didn't have much on there except for the company he worked out, his title, his name, etc. On the back, Ian's phone number was written in white ink.

White ink was not something that people brought with them unless they were an artist, did Ian like to draw? Well, the man did carry around black business cards so maybe it was normal for him to carry around white inked pens? He felt that there was so much he didn't know about God System.

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