To Be King (1)

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Edited by: Kuro

Thank you Elysiafaith for giving me ko-fi to post 2 chapters! These chapters are dedicated to you. Thank you again for supporting me and my work :D <3


When Grey woke up in the next world, he felt his whole body in pain. It felt like someone was ripping apart his muscles strand by strand. Stabbing into his limbs, and putting pressure on his back. He didn't understand what was going on, but he just knew that his new body was one riddled with pain.

[Grey, you have to hold on for a few more hours. This body goes through this agony every time he tries to sleep. I'm sorry but the world demanded that this was the only body you could go into. I will send you the information of the world, but read it only when you can.] System 225 gritted his teeth before giving an exhausted sigh.

[I found the virus created by the Villain System, but this one is strong. I might not be able to assist you much in this world. If you really need me, please reach out to Arisa and System 505 while I am gone!

[They can only do basic stuff like seeing if there is poison in your food or drinks, activate the System Barrier, put trackers on people, and show you map layouts. That's all they can do, but it should be enough.]

System 225 sounded like he was in a rush, so Grey knew it was serious.

"I understand. Good luck, System 225. Don't leave me for too long."

[I won't, don't worry. I will be back as quickly as possible! Be sure to read everything I gave to you. I will see you soon.] and with that, System 225 disappeared.

'Come back soon, System 225...' Grey said to himself, but his train of thought was cut off by the pain.

He felt himself going in and out of consciousness with how painful it was. When he thought maybe his body would let him sleep it off, he would wake up with a piercing pain in his back and chest, like something was trying to pry open his ribcage.

When the sun came up, the pain finally settled down and he was finally able to sleep...


When Grey got up, he noticed that the state of his room was desolate. The paint on the walls was peeling off the wall and being replaced with vine plants that crept up to the ceiling. Some of the tiles were missing, so dirt and dust were prevalent in the room. All of the furniture and cloth items looked like they were about to fall apart.

All in all, this place was poorly maintained, abandoned, and definitely not a place for someone to live in.

Even the bed he was in was so disgusting. Grey almost wanted to puke just thinking that he was rolling around in this bed while he was in pain.

He sat on the bed, his back up against the wall, and closed his eyes. He was looking through the information that System 225 left him before he left.

The body he was in was a young man named Ameer Lux. Ameer was the third prince of the Euluxos Kingdom. He had blonde hair, like his father, and red eyes like his mother. He was muscular and his skin was slightly tanned from years on the battlefield. He gave off immense pressure everywhere he went, making him hard to approach.

The young man had just turned 20 when the Queen called him to come back.

Ameer was known as the cursed Prince of Euluxos. He had a hideous mark that covered his back, chest, and arms. It spared his legs and face, but the pain radiated throughout his body regardless of where the mark was.

When he was just 14, the Queen sent him to the battlefield, hoping he would die. However, Ameer garnered a lot of strength, controlling 3/4 of the kingdom's army and knights.

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