Famous Author (4)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille


James left his room for the first time in a few days. His editor, Wyatt, who was waiting in the living room, was worried that the man would die in his room. Wyatt tried to feed and clean the room but every time he came over, it got worse and worse.

When Wyatt saw James, he wanted to cover his nose and eyes but that would be rude, so he did his best to keep his professional smile. James smelled like he didn't shower in three days. His hair was knotted, like a bird's nest at the back of his head. He wasn't wearing a shirt or pants, just in his boxers like he had given up on dressing himself. His beard was unruly and patchy like he had a fight with his electric razor and lost.

Wyatt stiffened as James got closer, the urge to cover his nose and run was getting stronger. "James, the company wanted to know if you have your manuscript ready."

Seeing Wyatt's unwilling face, James took a step back and nodded. "I understand, tell them I don't have anything ready. Help me clean my room, I am going to shower."

James looked depressed so Wyatt didn't say anything and entered the room when he heard the shower running.

The room was littered with cup noodles and containers of take-out. His poor books seemed to be piled within the trash, ruining their pages and covers. He didn't seem like someone who loved and cherished books. There were no legitimate pathways, so he had to step over things to get to the man's computer.

There was a document open but only half a sentence was on the page. He looked like he had kept writing this sentence only to keep pressing the backspace because he was not satisfied with the sentence.

Wyatt stopped looking at the screen and began to clean up all the cup noodles and food containers. By the time James was done in the shower, there was a pathway from the bathroom to the computer and then from the computer to the door. It had been a while since James had seen the floor of his room, even if it was just a little bit.

"I can't write, Wyatt." James eventually said as he sat down at the computer. His body molded perfectly into his work area. "I can't even start the first chapter. I have no idea what I'm doing anymore."

"Why don't you try to write something else? Do you have an idea for a different story?"

"No, I don't." He was so focused on trying to write a sequel, he couldn't think of anything else.

"Why don't you think of another story. Maybe as you are writing something else, inspiration will come to you for the sequel."

Wyatt knew that writer's block was a problem for a lot of people. Instead of dwelling on something for too long, it's better to do something else and come back later. Your mind will think of it even if you aren't conscious of it.

"I will try that."

He had to try to write something. If he couldn't write something, what was the point of stealing this book?


After eating breakfast, Calvin looked through his closet and found there weren't many clothes to go out in. He found a plain white t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans after searching his closet for more than 10 minutes. It could be seen that Calvin barely went outside. The Host who went into Calvin's body also didn't leave the house for over a month. He didn't realize that he stayed inside for so long, probably the influence of the original body.

"I need to buy more clothes." He was going to try to go out more often. The original didn't leave the house for 3 years already, it was time to leave and see the sun for the first time in a long time.

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