Famous Author (3)

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Edited by: Kuro and Lille

The next day, Lucy arrived at Calvin's apartment. She knocked on the door and waited for a moment. She was a little confused. Did Calvin not want her anymore and that's why he's not letting her in for their planned lunch meeting? She was a little anxious as she picked at her fingers, a habit she could not get rid of. Should she ring the doorbell this time around? What would happen if she annoyed Calvin and then he wouldn't want to let her in?

A muffled "come in" came from inside the house and a click at the door resounded for her to hear. She was so startled by the click but realized that Calvin's door was voice-activated when he was inside.

She knew Calvin did live in a fancy apartment but it would probably still startle her every time.

Lucy quickly opened the door before the timer clicked the door locked. When she walked inside, she saw that Calvin was sitting in front of his computer in the living room. He was furiously typing away and didn't notice she had entered.

System 225 was the one who notified Calvin of her arrival. If he didn't hear System 225, Lucy would have been standing out there until he was finished writing.

"Take a seat, I am going to finish this thought and then we can talk," Calvin said as he continued to look at the screen. It was rude manners but if he looked away and stopped typing, he would lose his inspiration.

"That's fine, take your time." Lucy didn't take any offense to it as she was used to authors getting into their muses and not being able to get out of it.

She looked over at Calvin typing and found that his desk was surrounded by books, but he was still able to have his legs in weird, but oddly comfortable positions. His left leg laid next to his customized PC, and his right leg was folded over the armrest of his chair. He leaned back in his seat and had his keyboard on top of his stomach. He also had his blue light glasses on so his eyes didn't get hurt from staring at the screen for too long.

He wrapped himself in a blanket and even had a pillow for his back, but it seemed a little useless with the position he was in.

Lucy was a bit amused to see the sophisticated man from yesterday looking like a typical author who had gotten inspiration. She knew not all authors sat in weird positions, but the ones she had been with thus far had their own way of sitting when writing. It was like that position was the best for their imagination and allowed the words to flow easily onto the screen.

An hour later, Calvin finally felt his creativity juice run out and he needed a break. He carefully got himself out of that position and stretched his limbs that were stiff from lack of movement. He looked over at Lucy who was sitting comfortably on the living room sofas with her eyes focused on her laptop screen.

"I apologize for having you wait, Lucy. Let me make us a late lunch." Calvin yawned as he made his way to the kitchen. He promised that they would eat as they discussed his newest novel.

Lucy's body straightened in her seat as though someone had caught her slouching. "That's fine, sir, I ate a late breakfast."

"No need for the formalities, just call me Calvin." He rummaged through his fridge and took out the ingredients for today's lunch.

He made something quick and easy and had it together with Lucy at the dining table. He moved all the books out of the way and grabbed a random chair he could sit on because he only had one chair at the table.

Lucy ate his cooking with relish. She seemed to be in her own world with every bite she took. "Your cooking is delicious!" She was eating a noodle dish that had thick noodles, different assortments of seafood, and a nice, clear but flavorful broth.

Teaming Up With System 225Where stories live. Discover now