thinking of baby names!

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*Shane, Ryland, Rosie and Posey all playfully discuss baby names for the twins! Thank you to PunchedTheBurrsar for helping me write this! Love • Bree 💙💙*

Ryland, Shane, Rosie and Posey have all finished opening up all of their Christmas presents!

Rosie and Posey have been busy playing with their new toys and the wrapping paper as well as playing with Uno, Cheeto and Honey!

Ryland, Shane, Rosie and Posey also just found out that the new baby(more like two babies) are going to be a boy!

Ryland and Shane just cannot believe they are having two boys after having two girls! They both just assumed the babies would be girls or one of each!

Ryland, Shane, Rosie and Posey are all sitting on the floor together, playing, relaxing and just enjoying this Christmas Day together as a family!

Ryland's sister Morgan, Andrew, Trisha, Drew, Garrett and Lizze will be coming over to spend Christmas with them! Ryland's family can't fly in due to California's Covid numbers being very high again.

Shane also wants his mom and dad to stay home so they won't get sick as well as his older brothers and sister-in-law.

Despite Covid ruining some Christmas plans this year, Ryland and Shane had a huge Zoom meeting with family and close friends to announce the gender of the baby (both babies but nobody knows that)

"I still can't believe we are having two boys, Shaney! We need to think of some names!"

"What about Wes and Chandler?" Shane asks Ryland playfully.

"Why those names?" Ryland asks shane playfully as he chuckles and rubs his growing baby bump.

"Wes after Wes Craven and Chandler after Friends!" Shane says as he pouts wanting one or both of his names choices.

"I don't know. I don't think those names go well with the girls names." Ryland says as Shane groans in annoyance

"Ughhh! You always get your way!" Shane says playfully as he laughs.

"You gave both of the girls their middle names! And you came up with Rosie's name too!" Ryland says to Shane with some sass.

"Ooh, oooh, Mama! Can me an' Bear hewp pick a name out?" Rosie asks eagerly, suddenly paying attention to the conversation.

"Sure, Roo! What do you girls think is a good name for a baby boy?" Ryland asks Rosie, smiling big.

Rosie thinks for a minute and Posey does too!

"Bwuey! Or Bingo!" Posey says happily, which makes Shane and Ryland both chuckle.

Both of the girls absolutely love to watch the cartoon TV show Bluey!

"That is an interesting name choice, Po!" Shane coos and smiles at Posey.

Shane thought those choices were very very cute, but of course, Bluey and Bingo are animated dogs and they are girls.

"I t'ink Sven or... Joey as a name!" Rosie decides nicely, hugging her bear, Pickle tightly.

Posey and Rosie both really love Frozen and they love Uncle Joey and Uncle Daniel from their Graceffa-Preda family.

"That's very sweet of you to pick Joey as a name! After Uncle Joey!" Ryland says to Rosie with a big grin.

"Mhm! Or Ringo! Yike Ringo Stawr!" Rosie suggests, earning excited nods from Posey.

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