day in the life vlog!

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*Ryland films a day in the life vlog for his YouTube channel! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Love • Bree ❤️*

*Imagine this text being at the beginning of the video*

"Hey guys! I forgot to make an intro for this video LOL #PreggoBrain

Welcome to the day in the life of a stay at home working mom and dad!

If you are new to my YouTube channel, welcome! My name is Ryland Adams-Dawson and I am happily married to my husband, Shane! You may know Shane for his conspiracy videos, skits and documentaries!

We have a fifteen month old daughter named Rosie, two dogs named Honey and Uno and a cat named Cheeto!

I am also pregnant with our second child, a daughter named Posey who is due in September!

If you wanna see the day in the life of our lives, please keep watching!

- 6am -
Ryland has just woken up for the day! He just went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and washed his face.

Ryland then films himself showing off his bare baby bump in the bathroom mirror.

"Posey is getting so big in there! Only a few more months until she is here! It is crazy to think we are going to have two little girls so soon! Shane and I are so excited!" Ryland whispers with a big smile.

Ryland then walks out of the master bathroom and films Shane and Rosie cuddling in bed together. Rosie is curled up in a ball, with her head on Shane's chest. Shane is slightly snoring and has his mouth open.

Rosie really loves to sleep in Shane and Ryland's bed now but Ryland wants Rosie back in her bedroom when baby Posey is born!

Ryland then walks downstairs slowly and is greeted by Cheeto, Uno and Honey.

"Meow." Cheeto says to Ryland.

"Woof!" Uno and Honey say in unison to Ryland.

"Hi, babies! Hi, fur babies. Let's all go outside and potty!" Ryland says to Uno, Honey and Cheeto.

Honey and Uno happily run over to the sliding glass door and Cheeto follows closely behind them.

"Cheeto you can come out too and get some fresh air." Ryland says as he walks over to the sliding glass door.

Ryland opens the sliding glass door and Uno, Honey and Cheeto all run outside.

- 6:30am -
Ryland is walking around outside and he begins to film himself.

"Good morning, guys! Today is Wednesday and it is 6:35am! Wow, it's super early! I shouldn't be up this early because I went to bed super late with Shane last night, but Posey is an early bird in my belly and woke me up by her very hard kicking. She is a hard kicker just like Rosie was!" Ryland says with a chuckle.

"I am currently just sitting outside enjoying the fresh air and I am waiting for Uno and Honey to finish using the bathroom. They are so slow! Even Cheeto is out here with us, he loves to walk around the yard and lay in the sun. Luckily, at this house he can come out and not be able to get out. We don't wanna loose him again!" Ryland says as he vlogs Cheeto and pets his head, making him purr.

"Shane and Roo are still upstairs sleeping, so I am going to get some very much needed cleaning done! Ever since Rosie has been able to walk around, the house has been a damn mess 24/7! She loves to make a mess and she loves to get into things! However, she does love to clean up. She really loves the clean up song too! That song is getting on my nerves by the way. It's annoying after a while!" Ryland says as he giggles loudly.

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