a lazy st. patrick's day!

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*Ryland, Shane and the kids have a relaxing and St. Patrick's Day together! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 💚🍀*

Today is St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day isn't a huge holiday to most families besides wearing green clothing, pinching people who aren't wearing green and eating all kinds of green foods!

However, both Ryland and Shane want to make all of the holidays really special and very fun for their two young children Rosie and Posey!

Rosie is two years old and Posey is almost seven months old, so holidays to them are still very brand new and also very exciting to the both of them!

Shane and Ryland have a few small and fun activities planned for St. Patrick's Day for Rosie and Posey to do which is exciting!

Right now, Ryland is downstairs making very special pancakes for breakfast for himself, Posey, Rosie and Shane!

The pancakes will have Lucky Charm marshmallows and whip cream on top of them and also, all of the pancakes will have food coloring mixed in them to make them green for St. Patrick's Day!

Ryland also just fed Cheeto, Uno and Honey their breakfast and the three of them are very happy!

Rosie and Posey have both just woke up for the day! Both of the girls slept in a little later this morning, it is now 8:20am.

Both of the girls are usually up by 7:30am, but because they all went out to dinner with Shane's mom last night, the girls went to bed a little later then they usually do!

Shane is upstairs and he is changing Posey's diaper in her bedroom while Rosie went to the bathroom in her potty.

"I went potty, Daddy! I went potty!" Rosie says proudly from the bathroom making Shane smile.

"Good girl, Roo! Good girl! I am going to wipe you and help you wash your hands in a minute, okay?" Shane says to Rosie.

"Okay, Daddy! I wait!" Rosie says from the bathroom as she continues to happily sits on her little potty.

Shane then finishes up putting Posey's brand new diaper on and buttons up her St. Patrick's Day pajamas back up.

"There you go, Posey! All fresh and clean now! And happy first St. Patrick's Day to you, baby girl! Yay! Yay!" Shane says in a babyfied voice at Posey, making Posey smile ear to ear at Shane and babbles at him.

"Da da da da!" Posey says happily to Shane, making Shane smile at her.

Shane then softly kisses Posey's cheek and fixes her bed hair some, making Posey smile at him.

"Hi, Po Po! Hi, baby girl! Let's go help sissy out now and then we can go downstairs and see Mama!" Shane says as he picks up Posey from the changing table and the both of them walk over to the bathroom.

Shane and Posey both see Rosie happily sitting on her little potty. 


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