welcoming rosie

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*Ryland and Shane's baby girl is finally here! I hope you guys enjoy reading her arrival! Thank you to my best friend Scomicheislove for helping me write this! Also, happy birthday Shane! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🐽*

Vlog Title: Our Little Rosie Is Here 
Video description: Witness the birth of Ryland and I's beautiful little girl - Rosie. She was born March 12th @ 3:45am. 5lbs 8oz and 18.5 inches long of perfection. Thank you guys for being so patient with video uploading the past few days! I'm just making sure Ryland rests while he recovers from his c-section and that Rosie is taken care of. We are all doing well! Love you all so much! 🐽🌹~ Shane

~ 2am ~
Shane and Ryland are laying in bed for the night. Shane is sleeping while Ryland is trying to sleep. He has been feeling some weird pains on and off for a few hours.

Ryland starts fo time these pains and he realizes they have been consistent every five to ten minutes. Ryland then realizes he is in labor and needs to get to the hospital - now.

Ryland begins to rub Shane's shoulders to wake him up.

"Shaney... Shaney... Wake up!" Ryland says in a kind of panicked tone.

Shane stirs a little before waking up, realizing that Ryland is calling him and that it isn't a dream.

"Hm? What's wrong, Ry? What's wrong, babe?" Shane asks Ryland as he sits up.

"I think I'm having contractions. It's time. Holy fuck this hurts!" Ryland says as he gets up out of bed and his water breaks on the floor.

"OH MY GOD! My water broke! OW! OW!" Ryland says as he carefully sits back on the edge of the bed.

Shane jumps out of the bed and grabs Ryland's and his suitcases which were already packed and ready to go.

Shane begins throwing last minute things into their suitcases, making sure they have everything they need, since they won't be home for a few days.

"Hang tight, baby. Just take nice deep breaths and try to relax." Shane says, zipping up the suitcases.

"Holy shit, this hurts! And I didn't even get any sleep really either!" Ryland says as another contractions comes, making him moan in pain.

Shane grabs Ryland's hand and kisses his cheek softly.

"Alright, baby. I think I've got everything we need. Let's go, Ry. Can you walk or do you want me to carry you?" Shane asks Ryland softly.

"Make sure you grab the vlogging cameras, laptop and phone chargers. And yeah, I think I can. Holy fuck, this hurts. I need pain medicine ASAP! I'm sorry for sounding like a bitch." Ryland says as he takes a few deep breaths.

Shane nods and kisses Ryland tenderly.

"It's okay. I know it hurts. And I got it all, baby." Shane says as he rushes the suitcases downstairs, before hurrying back up to help Ryland down the stairs.

"Ow, this hurts so bad! I'm so nervous about birth and all of the pain." Ryland says as he pets Honey, Uno and Cheeto who are all looking at Shane and Ryland in utter confusion.

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