a small and dainty dawson christmas!

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*Shane, Ryland, Rosie, Posey, Uno, Cheeto and Honey all celebrate Christmas together as a family! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🎅🏻🧑🏻‍🎄🎄*


After a crazy year full of a lot of drama, Shane being canceled, some successes, some failures, a global pandemic and a surprise pregnancy, today is finally Christmas for the Dawson's!

Shane and Ryland both just want a happy and fun filled Christmas for their girls, who are two and a half years old and sixteen months old!

Shane and Ryland are inviting just a few people over to have a small Christmas get together to make today somewhat normal. They are inviting Morgan, Cookie the cat, Andrew, Trisha, Mukbang the dog, Drew, Garrett and Lizze!

Shane, Ryland and the girls all talked to all of their family members last night on a huge Zoom call and wished all of them a Merry Christmas and Rosie and Posey opened up their presents from everyone!

Also today, Shane and Ryland will find out what gender their twins are! Ryland's doctor confirmed both of the twin's genders during an ultrasound two weeks ago and both babies are the same gender!

Shane and Ryland are both convinced they are having two girls but you never know! Either way, Shane and Ryland are very grateful to add two more healthy babies into their little family this May!

Right now, Shane and Ryland are cuddling in bed together with Cheeto and Uno while they wait for Rosie and Posey to wake up!

"Merry Christmas, Shaney." Ryland says as he kisses Shane a few times.

"Merry Christmas, babty. I love you." Shane says softly as he kisses Ryland back.

"I love you too!" Ryland says happily to Shane.

Ryland and Shane then begin to feel Ryland's baby bump and both they feel small flutters from both of the babies.

"Wow, that is so cool, babty!" Shane says as he is mesmerize by the twins small moments.

"It is isn't it? I am so excited!" Ryland says with a cheeky smile. 

"Me too! Do you think we are having twin girls or twin boys?" Shane asks Ryland softly.

"I don't have a feeling on what we are having! With Roo and Po, I just knew they were girls but with these two I have no idea! Either way I'll be very happy!" Ryland says as he giggles and smiles at Shane.

"I think we are having two girls! I feel like I only make girls! But we will find out today!" Shane says happily as he kisses Ryland and rubs Ryland's baby bump.

"Four girls sounds a lot of fun but also two girls and two boys sounds a lot of fun too!" Ryland says as he giggles.

"Meow meow." Cheeto says as he rolls around making Shane and Ryland both giggle.

"Hi, Cheeto! Merry Christmas, little prince!" Ryland says with a cheeky smile as he pets Cheeto's head.

"Merry Christmas, Cheeto! And Merry Christmas, Uno!" Shane says as he pets Cheeto and then pets Uno.

"Merry Christmas to my other prince, Uno!" Ryland says as he pets Uno's head.

"Where is Honey?" Shane asks Ryland softly,

"Honey went to sleep with Rosie last night!" Ryland says with a big grin. 

"Aww, that's cute." Shane says as he kisses Ryland's cheek and Ryland kisses Shane back.

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