posey's first birthday

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*Today is Posey's first birthday! Ryland and Shane are so excited to share this special day with family and friends! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🐄👶🏼🐄*

Vlog Title: Po's First Birthday
Video Description: Enjoy Posey's first birthday party! Ryland and I worked really hard to make sure Posey's first birthday was absolutely perfect for her and for us. She is such a miracle just like her big sister and we love her so so much! One year ago on August 22nd, Ryland and I's dream came true oj r again! We became parents to Posey Claire Dawson! But we call her Po as a nickname. Happy Birthday, Po. Mommy and Daddy love you so much ♥️

Today is Posey's first birthday party! Shane and Ryland have been busy all week long getting everything ready for today. They want Posey's birthday party to be absolutely perfect!

Ryland and Shane can't believe that their second baby girl is now one years old! It feels like yesterday that Posey was born! Now is she an very active toddler and is on the move! Posey just started taking steps a few weeks ago!

Ryland and Shane have been busy all night long decorating their entire house into cow / farm birthday party!

Posey's favorite animal is a Cow and Pig is a close second so that's why Posey's birthday party theme is mostly cows!

Posey's favorite animal is a Cow and Pig is a close second so that's why Posey's birthday party theme is mostly cows!

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"Ba ba ba ba!" Posey says as she smiles at the horse stuffed animal.

"Do you like your horsey baby?" Ryland asks Posey as he kisses Posey's head.

"Ya! Neigh!" Posey says, making Ryland smile ear to ear.

"Ma ma ma!" Posey says to Ryland happily.

"Yes, baby?" Ryland asks Posey softly.

Posey then does a kissy face and Ryland kisses her. Posey giggles and smiles at Ryland.

"Po Po! Happy birfday!" Rosie says as she hugs Posey tightly and Posey hugs Rosie back.

"Rooooooo!" Posey says with a cheeky smile at her big sister.

Uno, Honey and Cheeto all walk over to Posey and they begin to sniff and lick her, making Posey and Rosie both giggle.

"Aww! Uno, Honey and Cheeto are saying happy birthday to you!" Ryland says with a smile at Posey.

Posey and Rosie both smile and giggle at Ryland and then they begin to pet and hug Uno, Honey and Cheeto.

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