surprising shane!

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*Ryland goes to his first doctor's appointment for Baby #3 and tells Shane all about it! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❣️

Today is a big day in the Dawson family!

Today is Ryland's first ever doctor's appointment for Baby Dawson #3! Ryland is currently nine weeks pregnant and is feeling pretty good minus feeling really sick with morning sickness!

Ryland's morning sickness has been ten times worse than it was when he was pregnant with both Rosie and Posey, which he absolutely hates but it makes him feel like the pregnancy is doing well and healthy.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions in doctor's offices, only Ryland can go to the ultrasound appointments which sucks because Shane loves going to the ultrasound appointments especially the first one!

While Ryland went to his first doctors visit, Shane is at home with Rosie and Posey!

"Daddy! Can we watch a movwie?" Rosie asks Shane.

"Sure, Roo! Which movie do you wanna watch?" Shane asks Rosie as he kisses her cheek.

"Ummm! The rat movwie, Daddy!" Rosie says as she jumps up and down happily.

"Ratatouille?" Shane asks Rosie with a big smile.

"Uh huh! Uh huh!" Rosie says as she begins to dances around.

"Okay! I'll put it on for you and Po!" Shane says as he finds Ratatouille on Disney Plus for Rosie to watch!

"Da da da da!" Posey says as she wobbles over to him holding an empty sippy cup in her hand.

"Yes, Po?" Shane says as he smiles at Posey and Posey hugs Shane's arm.

"Ba ba ba!" Posey says as she does the more sign with her hands.

"You want some more milk, Posey?" Shane asks Posey softly.

"Ya, da da!" Posey says as she smiles at Shane.

"I'll get you some milk! Stay in here with Roo, Cheeto, Honey and Uno! Roo, do you want some milk or juice?" Shane says to Posey and Rosie.

"Juicey!" Rosie says with a big cheeky smile.

"What kind of juice, Roo?" Shane asks Rosie happily.

"Orwange juicey!" Rosie says to Shane.

"Coming right up, girlies!" Shane says as he walks into the kitchen and fills up both Rosie and Posey's sippy cups!

Shane then picks up a snack for Rosie and Posey to munch on during the movie!

"Here you go girlies!" Shane says as he hands Posey and Rosie their sippy cups and snacks!

"Fank you, Daddy!" Rosie says with a big grin.

"Fank you!" Posey says with a smile.

"You're welcome, girlies!" Shane says happily to Rosie and Posey.

Shane, Rosie and Posey all cuddle on the couch and they all watch Ratatouille together!

After Ryland's doctors appointment, Ryland runs a few errands before heading back home!

Ryland unlocks the front door and he is happily greeted by Cheeto, Honey and Uno!

Cheeto, Honey and UNO's tail wag with excitement making Ryland giggle and smile.

"Hi, guys! Hiiii!" Ryland says as he pets Cheeto, Honey and Uno one by one.

"MAMA! MAMA!" Rosie says as she jumps off of the couch and she runs over to Ryland and hugs his leg.

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