meeting their teachers!

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*Shane, Ryland, Rosie, Posey, Cooper and Crew all visit the preschool, to register Posey for Headstart, meet Rosie and Posey's teachers and see who are in Rosie and Posey's classes! Love • Bree 💜*

Right now, Ryland Shane, Rosie, Posey, Cooper and Crew are all in Ryland's white G Wagon and they are all heading to the preschool!

It is still very much summer vacation for another almost two months, but Ryland and Shane want to make sure everything is in order and ready for when Rosie and Posey start school in the fall!

Rosie will be starting preschool and Posey will be starting Headstart! 

Ryland and Shane have to fill out a few more forms to finalize Posey's placement in the Headstart class, which is a preschool for two year olds!

Ryland, Shane, Rosie, Posey, Cooper and Crew will all happily meet Rosie and Posey's teachers and see the class rosters, meaning who is in Rosie and Posey's classes! 

Ryland, Shane, Rosie, Posey, Cooper and Crew will all happily meet Rosie and Posey's teachers and see the class rosters, meaning who is in Rosie and Posey's classes! 

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*Rosie, Posey, Cooper and Crew's outfits*

Rosie and Posey are happily dancing in their car seats as Ryland plays an old Britney Spears album! Their favorite song right now is 'Lucky' and 'Oops I Did It Again!'

Meanwhile, Cooper and Crew are peacefully both asleep in their car seats after having their big bottles right before leaving the house ten minutes ago!

"Who is excited to meet their brand new teachers today?" Shane asks Rosie and Posey with a cheeky smile.

"I AM, DADDY! I AM! I am sooo excited!" Rosie says as she claps her hands and she gets extremely excited.

"ME TOOOOOOO, DADDY! ME TOO!" Posey says as she gets excited and smiles at Shane.

"I'm so glad you two are excited about today! Mama and I are excited too! Today is going to be fun." Shane says with a big smile at Rosie and Posey.

"I am sooooo excited!" Ryland says as he smiles at the girls quickly before looking back at the road.

"Do you two think Crew and Cooper are excited about today?" Shane asks both Rosie and Posey with a cheeky smile on his face.

"Yeah! Do you two think Crew and Cooper are excited about today?" Ryland also asks Rosie and Posey.

"Yeah! Cwrew and Ooper cited, Mama and Daddy!" Posey says as she claps her hands and smiles at her baby Bernstein sleeping in their car seats.

"Cwrew and Ooper slweeping! Maybe they will be excited when they awake, Mama and Daddy!" Rosie says to Ryland and Daddy

"I think they will be, Roo!" Ryland says with a big cheeky smile.

"I think so too!" Shane says happily.

Ryland, Shane, Rosie, Posey, Cooper and Crew all continue to talk and listen to music in the G Wagon!

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