nana and pop visits!

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*Ryland's mom and dad Vicki and Bruce visit Ryland, Shane, Rosie and Posey for the week! Send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Love • Bree 😇*

Ryland, Shane, Rosie and Posey are up for the day! Today is going to be a very special day too!

Ryland just breastfed Posey some and Shane gave Posey the rest of her's milk in a bottle and Ryland is now making waffles for himself, Shane and Rosie to have for breakfast!

Ryland's mom Vicki and dad Bruce are flying in from Colorado to spend the week with Shane, Ryland, Rosie and Posey!

Ryland is very excited to spend much needed one on one time with his parents as well as watching his parents interact with their two grandchildren!

Vicki and Bruce absolutely love being grandparents to Rosie and Posey and they both love to spoil the girls rotten!

Shane also loves spending time with his in-laws! He is very close with Vicki and Bruce!

Shane also loves spending time with his in-laws! He is very close with Vicki and Bruce!

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*Rosie and Posey's pajamas*

Rosie is currently watching her favorite TV show Peppa Pig while she plays with her stuffed animals and Posey is in her swing watching her big sister play.

Cheeto jumps on Posey's swing and sits by Posey's feet, making Posey smile a little.

Shane walks down the steps and walks into the living room! He sees Rosie playing with her stuffed animals and Cheeto sitting with Posey.

"Aww! Cheeto are you keeping Posey company?" Shane asks Cheeto as he pets Cheeto.

"Meow." Cheeto says as Shane softly pets his head.

Posey begins to grab at Cheeto's fur and rubs him happily.

"Aww, Posey is petting Cheeto! Good girl, Posey! Is Cheeto's fur soft?" Shane asks Posey in a babyfied voice and Posey smiles at Shane, making Shane giggle and smile.

"Daddy! Daddy! Wook! Wook!" Rosie says as she happily points at her pig stuffed animal sleeping in a tiny white baby doll crib.

"Aww, is he sleeping in the crib, Roo?" Shane asks Rosie in a babyfied voice.

"Uh huh! He's sweeping, Daddy!" Rosie says, making Shane giggle and smile.

"Aww! So sweet! Make sure you cover him up with a blanket so he stays warm." Shane says to Rosie.

Rosie puts a baby blanket in the crib and smiles at Shane proudly.

"Good girl, Roo!" Shane says making Rosie smile ear to ear.

"Daddy!" Rosie says with excitement to Shane

"Yes, Roo?" Shane says to Rosie happily.

"Cheeto cuddwing Po!" Rosie explains to Shane.

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