will we ever have a baby?

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*Here's the first Shyland oneshot ever! I couldn't wait any longer and wanted to post this for all of you! I hope you guys like the different storyline! Send suggestions! I hope you guys enjoy! Love • Bree 😍

Ryland and Shane have been waiting impatiently for the past two weeks to pass to see if the latest fertility treatment they have done has worked. Ryland and Shane have been trying to have their first child since they got married almost two years ago. Ryland has a condition which causes him to have trouble ovulating. And you need an egg to have a baby. Egg + sperm = baby.

They just did their second intrauterine insemination (IUI). An IUI is when is the placing of sperm into a woman's uterus (or in this case a man, because mpreg) when he is ovulating and you get pregnant if it worked.

Ryland is pacing back in forth near the bathroom door, waiting to hear his iPhone alarm go off. Honey and Uno have been following him while Cheeto is sleeping on the couch. Shane is upstairs cleaning up his and Ryland's bedroom.

The three minute timer goes off and Ryland quickly turns it off. His heart is pounding of nervousness, anxiousness, and excitement all at the same time. He just wants the pregnancy test to say positive.

Ryland flips the pink pregnancy test and sees one line and not two like he hoped. Ryland makes sure he isn't crazy and holds the test up and still - just one line.

Ryland breaks down as he sees yet another negative pregnancy test. Ryland curls up into a ball and begins to cry. He is angry, he is sad, and he is frustrated. He didn't think it would take this long and all he wants is a baby.

Shane hears Ryland in the bathroom crying and he instantly knows they aren't having a baby right now. Shane quietly walks over to the bathroom and tries to figure out what to say to Ryland to calm him down before he walks in.

Shane then walks into the bathroom and bends down to Ryland's level.

"Ry, it's okay baby. It's okay." Shane whispers as he rubs Ryland's back softly.

Ryland curls into Shane's lap and wraps himself around him, feeling instant comfort from his husband.

"I'm sorry, Shane. I'm so fucking sorry." Ryland says as he cries again.

Shane rubs the back of Ryland's head softly as he tries to help calm him down.

"It's not your fault, baby. I'm sorry myself, Ry. I wish I can change things and make them so much better for you and I." Shane says as he kisses Ryland cheek delicately.

Ryland takes a deep breath and then sighs as he looks up at Shane, looking at his crystal blue eyes.

"It's not your fault, Shane. I promise you. Don't ever think it's you, babe. It's just my body doesn't wanna work right." Ryland says as he sniffles.

"I don't want you blaming yourself on something you can't fix, babe. It's something that happens to a lot of people. Especially carrier men. Many people are going through this, I watched some videos on YouTube about it. We aren't alone, Ry." Shane says as as he rubs Ryland's chin.

"I just wish we didn't have to struggle so damn much." Ryland whisper as he wipes his tears off of his cheeks.

"I know, baby. I wish we didn't either." Shane says as he kisses Ryland again.

"I really wish we didn't say in a video about having Morgan be a surrogate for us. When was that, before we got engaged? I know we said it because I was scared of coming out as a carrier at first." Ryland says as Shane kisses his cheek softly.

"Well, it's okay to be afraid to come out as that. Not a lot of men are carriers, babe but it's more common then ever before. We have a lot of friends that are so I think that helped you come out as one." Shane says and Ryland nods.

"I know everytime people see Morgan they look at her stomach thinking she is having our baby. I know people are probably like just use your sister! It's okay to use a surrogate! But nobody gets it! Nobody understands the bond you get when you carry them in your own womb!" Ryland says as he begins to cry again.

"I know, baby. I understand how badly you want this. I know you wanna have our baby and I think it's so fucking cute that you want fo carry our baby and give birth. I couldn't imagine doing that. But it will happen. I know it will. I know it's hard to think that when it hasn't happened yet, but when the time is right it will happen." Shane whispers as Ryland rubs the tears off of his cheeks again.

Shane kisses Ryland and kisses his forehead softly, making Ryland smile.

"We will have a baby and we will be the best fucking parents ever. You will be the best Daddy on Youtube, Ryland! The best and the coolest dad." Shane says as Ryland laughs.

"I wanna be called Mommy! I told you this like twenty times, babe! I will be Mommy and you will be Daddy. I look like a Mommy!" Ryland says as Shane giggles.

"I love being called Daddy, you already know that babe!" Shane says with a smirk making Ryland laugh loudly, cheering him up right away.

"Not the sexual Daddy! A daddy of a little boy or girl calls their father! Don't be perverted to our future child, babe!" Ryland says as Shane giggles.

"You know I'm just playing, babe. Also, you know our kid will probably love to eat all kinds of food and maybe mukbang with us! Be a YouTube star of their own! And probably will love pigs, dogs and cats. Oh and ice cream and cake!" Shane says as Ryland smiles ear to ear.

"I'm sure they will, babe. I hope parenthood will be fun for us. I'm sure it will be. But I also know sometimes it's gonna be hard, with a lot of tears and anxiety. But I know we will be the best parents ever and be so happy no matter what." Ryland says as Shane nods in agreement.

Ryland and Shane kiss a few times and hug each other tightly.

"I can't wait for that day to happen. We can always try the same fertility treatment again or a different one. Whenever you are ready, Ry. Okay?" Shane says and Ryland nods.

"I think we should wait a month or two and then try again. I just wanna relax and maybe go on a nice vacation with my hot husband." Ryland says as Shane smiles.

"Sounds like fun! Let's cuddle and relax, babe." Shane says as he kisses Ryland's cheek.

Shane and Ryland walk out of the bathroom and they see Cheeto, Uno and Honey cuddling on the couch together.

"Look at our fur babies cuddling with each other. Aww!" Shane says as Ryland smiles.

Ryland takes a picture of his and Shane's pets cuddling on the couch to post on their Instagram account ~ unodawson!

Ryland and Shane change into more comfortable clothes before cuddling on the couch together.

Ryland lays his head down on Shane's lap and Shane begins to softly rub Ryland's head and shoulders. Ryland smiles ear to ear

Ryland loves how much Shane makes sure he is okay after each disappointment throughout their trying to have a baby journey. Ryland is so blessed to have Shane as his husband and he can't wait to have a baby with him.

"Can we watch a movie, Shane?" Ryland asks Shane softly.

"Of course we can. Let's find something on Netflix and cuddle." Shane says as Ryland covers up with a pig blanket.

Shane kisses Ryland's cheek as they watch the documentary together.

Ryland is feeling better about the situation but still wishes he is pregnant. But Shane is right. It will happen when the time is right. Ryland hopes the time is right very soon :)

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