first ultrasound & morning sickness!

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*Ryland and Shane go to Ryland's first doctors appointment! I hope you guys enjoy! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 😁🐽*

Ryland and Shane are going to go to Ryland's first doctor's appointment later today! Ryland is extremely anxious about the doctor's appointment, fearing the absolute worst. However, Shane has been trying to keep Ryland as calm as he possibly can and to not worry about something that hopefully won't happen.

Ryland is currently curled in bed upstairs while Shane is downstairs making Ryland some soup to help him eat a little bit, since Ryland hasn't been wanting to eat due to being sick.

Honey and Uno are also cuddling upstairs with Ryland, Honey is by Ryland's feet and Uno is next to Ryland.

Shane films himself in the kitchen making Ryland a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Cheeto meows in the background making Shane laugh.

"Hey guys, what's up? So, I am in the kitchen right now actually cooking a meal and not ordering McDonald's! Y'all are gonna be so proud of me! Ryland has not been wanting any fast food at all! It makes him sick just smelling it, so I have been cooking him soup and sandwiches. He hasn't been wanting to eat much since he has been dealing with morning sickness which is a normal thing during pregnancy, I googled it. We are going to his doctor's appointment later and I'm excited to see the baby. We have to leave soon so I'll see you guys later!" Shane says as he waves.

Ryland vlogs himself laying down in bed. He smiles at waves at the camera. He is wearing Shane's green hoodie and has his glasses on.

"Hi, guys! It's Ryland here, and I am still in bed. It is almost twelve o'clock, oops! I have been so lazy lately! Shane is making me some chicken noodle soup, one of the few things I can keep down right now. I have been feeling so tired and so sick these past few weeks. Literally the day Shane and I found out I was pregnant, I got sick two hours later. The nausea is freaking crazy and a lot of food smells makes me wanna gag! I have been wanting to sleep all day long and I'm still freaking tired. I called my doctor because I was worried and she said that it's normal to feel tired and it's normal to have morning sickness. She said as long as I'm eating and not throwing everything up, I'm fine. I will see my doctor and her husband, they work as a team which is so cute!" Ryland says as Shane walks into the bedroom with a tray full of food.

"Aww! Thank you, baby! You are the best!" Ryland says as he sits up in bed.

"I made you a bowl of chicken noodle soup and some hot tea. Oh and crackers too. How are you feeling, babe?" Shane asks Ryland as he kisses Ryland's forehead.

"I feel okay right now, thank you for asking babe. I was feeling nauseous but I'm feeling better now. It comes in waves." Ryland says as he begins to eat his soup.

"Your doctor's appointment is in two hours so we need to get ready soon." Shane says, petting Honey and Uno's heads.

"I am so anxious about it honestly. I don't want anything fo be wrong. I will devastated if there is." Ryland says as he takes a deep breath.

"Well, the doctor said everything you are feeling right now is completely normal so it sounds like the pregnancy is going good so far. Don't worry, babe. I promise that everything will be okay no matter what." Shane says as he softly kisses Ryland.

"Nobody told me you are sick literally all day long! They lied when people say that it's morning sickness! No, it's all day sickness!" Ryland says as Shane giggles.

"I think my mom was sick when she was pregnant with me. Poor mom!" Shane says as he rubs Ryland's back.

"My mom was super sick with Morgan! Good lord. I remember her throwing up all the time. I hope I don't get like that! I will demand medicine!" Ryland says making Shane laugh.

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