morning cuddles in bed

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*Just a short and fluffy oneshot of Ryland, Shane, Rosie and Posey all cuddling in bed together. Send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Enjoy! Love • Bree 💖

Today is an early Tuesday morning at the Dawson's household!

Right now, Shane and Ryland are both laying in bed together, cuddling and relaxing before they get up for their day!

Ryland and Shane days are extremely busy keeping up with their two girls Rosie and Posey and making sure they are occupied, fed and happy while also trying to do work as well as household chores!

"Hi, babty." Ryland says softly to Shane with a small smile, making Shane smile back.

"Hey, babty. How are you feeling?" Shane asks Ryland softly as he rubs Ryland's cheek.

"I feel good minus my back hurting. I feel like these boys are going to break my back." Ryland says making, Shane chuckle.

"Aww, I'm sorry. I wish I could make your back pain go away." Shane says as he pouts, making Ryland giggle and smile.

"It's okay! It's part of having twins. I'm grateful that they are healthy and they I am healthy. I can survive back pain for two and half more months." Ryland says with a cheeky smile.

Ryland and Shane then tenderly kiss each other a few times before looking at each other's eyes and they smile at each other.

"I love you so much, Ry. Thank you for putting up with all of this bullshit that is going on lately." Shane says softly to Ryland and Ryland rubs Shane's small beard he has on his face.

"I love you too! And you know I am your number one supporter and I'll defend you no matter what. You are my husband and I love you. This will pass soon and everything should be some what normal, hopefully. If not, we can make a new normal for us." Ryland says, making Shane smile.

"You are the best, Ry." Shane says as he kisses Ryland a few more times making Ryland giggle and smile.

"No, you are, Shaney!" Ryland says as he smiles at Shane and kisses him one more time.

A few minutes later, Honey and Uno both jump onto the master bed and they lay by Ryland and Shane's feet.

"Hi, Honey! Hi, Uno! Good morning, you two! Good morning, fur babies!" Ryland says happily as he pets Honey's head and then Uno's head.

"Hey, guys! Good morning!" Shane says with a big smile at Honey and Uno as he pets both of them.

"You two are cuddles bugs! Awww!" Ryland says in a babyfied voice at Honey and Uno making both of their tails wag.

Just then, Rosie, Posey and Uno all walk in the hallway and into Ryland and Shane's bedroom.

Just then, Rosie, Posey and Uno all walk in the hallway and into Ryland and Shane's bedroom

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*Rosie and Posey's pajamas*

"Hi, Mama! Hi, Daddy! Hi, Ho! Hi, No!" Posey says as she runs over to Shane's side of the bed and Shane picks her up.

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