bringing rosie home!

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*It is time to bring baby Rosie home! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree ❣️

Vlog Title: Bringing Our Baby Girl Home
Video description: Baby Rosie is coming home! We are doing very well! Thank you all for the love and support! 💕

"Hey what's you guys! Today's vlog is going to be very special day! Ry, do wanna tell everybody what we are doing today?" Shane asks Ryland as he films Ryland walking over to him.

Ryland has just freshened himself up in the bathroom. Ryland is wearing gray sweat pants and one of Shane's pig shirts.

"Today, we are being discharged from the hospital and going home! Thank the lord! I really enjoyed all of our amazing nurses and our sweet doctor but we are all ready to head home." Ryland says as Shane giggles.

"We have been here for almost four days, so we miss our house, our comfortable bed and our fur babies! Andrew, Garrett and Morgan have taken turns watching Cheeto, Uno and Honey for us! Andrew is with them right now. I just packed the majority of our things into our car so we are ready to go!" Shane says as Ryland hugs Shane and they kiss twice.

"Let me show everybody Rosie's going home outfit!" Ryland says as Shane hands him the camera.

"I'm going to take a quick shower before we leave." Shane says as he kisses Ryland's cheek before walking into the bathroom.

"Hi, guys! I'm rocking Shane's clothes because I can't wear anything form fitting until I get my staples out. So don't I look cute wearing Shane's clothes? They smell like him and I love it." Ryland says with a smile.

"Rosie is sleeping in her bassinet but look how stinking cute her outfit is!" Ryland says as he films Rosie fast asleep in her bassinet.

*Rosie's going home outfit*

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*Rosie's going home outfit*

"One of you guys sent this outfit to Shane and I! I know I said no pig outfits but this one was to die for. So thank you to Meghan and her mom for getting this outfit for us! So go ahead and fangirl, make Rosie your lock screen and brag to all of your friends!" Ryland says with a chuckle.

*Twenty Minutes Later*
Shane walks out of the bathroom with his dirty clothes and towel. Shane is also wearing a pig shirt and black shorts.

"There's my favorite people in the world." Shane making Ryland smile ear to ear.

"Hi, babty." Ryland says as he kisses Shane tenderly.

"Hi, Roo. You look so cute in your outfit." Shane says, kissing Rosie's forehead.

"We are all wearing pig outfits! We need to take a picture!" Ryland says making Shane giggle.

"Of course we do." Shane says as he giggles.

Ryland takes a few pictures and then looks through them while Shane holds Rosie in his arms. Shane rubs Rosie's back and kisses her again.

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