grandma, nana and pop are in town!

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*Grandma Janice, Vicki and Bruce all fly in from Colorado a few days early to spend time with Ryland, Shane, Rosie and Posey before Thanksgiving! Thank you to PunchedTheBurrsar for helping me! They are the best! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🤎*

Ryland, Rosie, Posey and Shane are all having a family breakfast together, something they have been doing as since the pandemic started in March and since all of the drama happened in the summer.

During breakfast time, Ryland and Shane usually talk about their day and the girls talk about the random things they like to talk about, mostly about animals or TV shows.

For breakfast this morning is french toast sticks, scrambled eggs and toast, a fan favorite for everybody in the family, including the animals.

"Shaney, do you mind going to the airport to pick up Grandma, my mom and dad? I am so tired. It sucks that you can't have a lot of caffeine during pregnancy because I would be drinking like six glasses right now." Ryland says making Shane chuckle and smile.

"Of course, Ry. I'll do that after I finish getting ready and finish eating." Shane says in a chipper tone and kisses Ryland's cheek.

"Thank you so much! They should be coming into town in about twenty minutes but you know it's hell to get out of the airport." Ryland says as Shane laughs loudly and nods in agreement.

Shane was almost ready for the day, but just had to get his Gucci slides and a few other things, like keys and sunglasses. Both Ryland and Shane keep masks in the cars at all times.

Rosie is meanwhile talking to Ryland and Posey happily about how Nana, Pop and Grandma or "Gamma" as most little kids pronounce that big word were coming over to visit for a few weeks!

"I e'cited for dem to come, Mama!" Rosie says energetically to Ryland.

"I know, Roo! It is so exciting, isn't it? We haven't seen Nana, Pop and Grandma Janice in a few months!" Ryland tells Rosie and Rosie smiles.

Posey, on the other hand, is easily distracted by the dogs and cat. Uno knows better than to beg for food but Honey doesn't know that as much. It's hard for Ryland and Shane to teach her that Posey feeding Honey her human food!

Posey drops some eggs down for all of the animals and Cheeto and Honey eat the floor eggs while Uno watches Rosie smile at him.

"Oh, Posey, please don't give Honey and Cheeto any more of your food, okay? We don't want them getting sick." Ryland says gently, with a tone that isn't too harsh, but shows he is serious.

Shane gets his Gucci slides on and grabs his G-Wagon keys, sunglasses and wallet.

"Bye, you guys! I'll be back soon!" Shane calls out before getting ready to head out to the G-Wagon.

"Bye, Daddy!" Rosie calls back at Shane with Posey doing something very similar.

"Bye, Dada!" Posey says as she waves happily.

"Bye!" Shane says again as he waves goodbye to Ryland, Rosie, Posey, Honey, Uno and Cheeto before leaving the house and getting in his G-Wagon.

Rosie, Posey and Ryland all happily finish their breakfast together and then Ryland begins to clean up from breakfast!

Rosie grabs hers and Posey's toddler plates and silverware before walking over to Ryland.

"Here you go, Mama!" Rosie says as she hands Ryland the smaller plates and silverware.

"Hm?" Ryland says as he looks down at Rosie, taking the smaller players and silverware from her.

"Oh, thank you! You are so helpful!" Ryland praises putting the dishes on the sink to rinse before putting them in the dishwasher.

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