family meets posey for the first time

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*Shane and Ryland's families meet baby Posey for the very first time! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💖*

Today, baby Posey is going to meet Ryland and Shane's families for the first time ever! Ryland and Shane are both very very excited for their families to meet their second baby girl who was born two days ago!

Ryland's mom, dad, sister-in-law, brother, grandma and aunt are all in town from Colorado and they will be staying in California for two weeks!

Ryland and Shane are getting both Rosie and Posey dressed and ready for Ryland's family to arrive at their house for a fun family visit!

"Roo Roo! Guess who is coming over our house today!" Ryland says to Rosie as he styles Rosie's red hair into two little pig tails.

"Who, Mama?" Rosie says happily to Ryland as Ryland finishes styling Rosie's hair.

"Nana! Pop! Grandma! Momo! Auntie Stacey and Uncle Austin!" Ryland says to Rosie and Rosie cheers with excitement.

"YAY! I excited!" Rosie says as she happily cheers, claps her hands and smiles ear to ear at both Ryland and Shane.

"Aw! I am excited too, Roo! Today is going to be very fun!" Shane says as he kisses Rosie and Rosie kisses Shane back.

"Thank you for the big kiss, Roo! You are the sweetest girl ever!" Shane says to Rosie, making Rosie smile ear to ear.

"Yay!" Rosie says as she happily smiles at her Daddy.

"I am so excited to see everyone too! Even Posey is excited to meet everyone for the very first time!" Ryland says as he fixes Rosie's hair one last time and then kisses Rosie's cheek.

Rosie turns around and kisses Ryland, making Ryland awe.

"Thank you for the kissy!" Ryland says as Rosie smiles at him.

"Ya! Po excited, Mama!" Rosie says as she twirls around and dances, making Ryland and Shane both giggle and smile at her.

Shane then slowly picks up Posey from her bassinet and rocks her in his arms, making Ryland smile and awe.

Ryland and Shane still cannot believe that they have two beautiful girls that call them Mama and Daddy! They feel so blessed to have a family they always wanted.

*Rosie and Posey's outfits*

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*Rosie and Posey's outfits*

"Aww! The girl's matching outfits look so freaking cute on the both of them! Did you take a picture of them together?" Ryland asks Shane as he kisses Shane and then kisses Posey's cheek.

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