telling family!

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*Shane and Ryland tell their families the big news! I hope you guys are enjoying this book! Send suggestions! Love • Bree 🖤*

Ryland is filming himself in the mirror. He shows off his noticeable but small baby bump.

"Hi, guys! How are you guys? Sorry I haven't been vlogging, I have been just been chugging through the first trimester of pregnancy! But I am officially out of the first trimester now and I feel so energized! Woohoo! Shane is working downstairs if you are wondering where he is. Look at this baby bump! I am thirteen weeks pregnant today! We just went to my doctors appointment earlier and the baby was wiggling around like crazy! It was so cute! I am so excited to finally tell our family and friends and all of you!" Ryland says with a grin.

Ryland walks down the steps and films Shane editing on the computer.

"There's my baby Daddy! Hi, babe!" Ryland says as he kisses Shane twice.

Shane smiles at Ryland and kisses Ryland's baby bump.

"Hey! Morgan said she is coming over tomorrow to hang out. So we can tell her about the baby then." Shane says as he kisses Ryland again.

"Yay! We are finally going to tell our family. They know we have been wanting a baby but we wanted to wait to tell them until I hit the safety zone. Shane and I picked out the cutest ways to tell everybody and we will definitely film their reactions for you guys!" Ryland says as he sits next to Shane.

"I am so excited to finally tell our family about our baby! I can't wait to start doing the nursery and other fun baby things!" Shane says as he kisses Ryland's cheek.

"I can't wait either! But, I wanna cuddle now." Ryland says as Shane giggles.

~ The Next Day ~
"Morgan should be here any minute! I'm so excited, I can hardly contain it! I'm wearing Shane's hoodie so my bump won't let the surprise slip!" Ryland says as he films Cheeto with Shane.

"Ryland wrapped the gift in a cute box! I'm so excited! I hope I don't spoil it!" Shane says as he laughs.

"I hope you don't either! I'm afraid that I'm going to say something too!" Ryland says as he giggles.

A few minutes later, Morgan arrives!

"Hi, brothers! I have missed you guys so much! What have you guys been doing?" Morgan says, hugging Shane and Ryland.

"I have just been working like crazy! Ryland hasn't been feeling well but he is feeling better now." Shane says to his sister-in-law.

"I know! What's up with you, Ry? Are you okay? Did you go to the doctor to get checked out?" Morgan asks Ryland.

"I'm actually feeling better! And yes I have been going to the doctor, don't worry." Ryland says winking at Shane.

"Oh! This present is for you, Morgan!" Shane says, handing Morgan the wrapped box.

"Ooo! What is it? You guys didn't have to get me anything!" Morgan says, sitting on the couch and is greeted by Honey, Uno and Cheeto.

"Open it up and see, sis!" Ryland says as he smiles at Morgan.

"The pets obviously missed their Auntie Morgan!" Shane says as Morgan laughs.

"And I missed them! I wonder what this is! Is it a gift card for Taco Bell or Chick Fil A?" Morgan says making Ryland and Shane laugh.

"No! It's something cooler than that." Shane says as he pets Cheeto and Honey.

Morgan opens up the box and removes the mint green tissue paper to reveal a small white onesie.

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