making cookies with mama 🍪

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*Ryland, Rosie and Posey making cookies together and they surprise Shane with them! Thank you to PunchedTheBurrsar for helping me write this! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🍪

Today, Ryland is making a video about how to make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies! He made them before but this is an updated recipe.

Ryland is getting all of the ingredients out as Rosie is holding the vlogging camera for her Mama, while sitting on the counter with her small white apron on.

"Hey, what's up, you guys? Today, I am making pumpkin chocolate chip cookies, and Roo is my little helper!" Ryland says cheerfully.

Rosie vlogs the best she can, putting the camera on the tripod so she can help bake! Shane taught her how to do it a few weeks back.

"Shane is at the store right now, so we're surprising him once he gets home!" Ryland says to the camera.

Posey is sitting on the counter across from Rosie and she is watching Ryland happily.

"Ya!" Posey says proudly.

"So first, we pour all of the ingredients into the mixing bowl!" Ryland instructs, letting Rosie dump all of the ingredients in the mixing bowl.

Rosie carefully dumps the ingredients into the mixing bowl, making Ryland feel extremely proud at his two year old.

"Great job, Roo!" Ryland says with a proud smile.

"Yaaay!" Posey says cheering her big sister one as she happily watches.

Just then, Cheeto jumps up on the counter and sits next to Posey. Posey picks up Cheeto and hugs him tightly and with a grin.

Rosie looks very proud of herself for not spilling anything!

"And now, we will mix the ingredients together!" Ryland tells Rosie, as he shows an example before he hands her the spoon.

Rosie grins as she mixes the ingredients, very happy.

"So careful, Roo! Good job!" Ryland says as he encourages Rosie.

Honey comes into the kitchen, sniffing at Ryland's legs so see what is happening.

"Ho Ho! Ho Ho!" Posey says happily as she points at Honey.

"Honey just wants another lunch! Just like Cheeto does!" Ryland says making both of the girls chuckle loudly.

Posey then hugs Cheeto again and he purrs making Posey laugh at the vibration of the purr.

Rosie imitates Cheeto's purring for a second as she continues to happily mix the cookie dough.

Ryland then turns on the oven and smiles.

"And I'm just pre-beating the oven to 350 degrees!" Ryland tells the vlogging camera.

Rosie soon stops stirring, looking at Ryland for the next instructions.

"Awesome job, Roo! You mix them really well!" Ryland says to Rosie happily.

"Meow. Meow." Cheeto says making Rosie and Posey both giggle.

"Fanks, Mama!" Rosie squeals, grinning from ear to ear happily

"Now, we roll it into little balls and place them on the baking sheet! Can you help me, Roo?"
Ryland asks as he shows a ball as an example.

"YESSS! I wanna help, Mama! I wanna help!" Rosie says as she gets very excited.

"I help too!" Posey as she happily claps her hands with a big cheeky smile

Shyland Oneshots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora