rosie meets the easter bunny

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*Shane and Ryland take Rosie to meet the Easter Bunny! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🐣🐰🥕*

It is 7 am in the Dawson house! Ryland has been up since 6:30am, thanks to Posey kicking the crap out of his bladder and waking him up.

Ryland films himself, Shane and Rosie in bed together. Shane and Rosie are cuddling with each other and are still fast asleep.

Ryland smiles and waves at the camera before turning it off.

The next clip is of Ryland walking around outside and Honey and Uno are running around.

"Good morning! It is super early right now. It is 7:45am. I just came downstairs to take Honey and Uno outside because I heard them at the back door. Shane and Rosie are still sleeping upstairs. Baby Posey kicked the crap out of my bladder this morning and woke me up, so thank you princess!" Ryland says as he films his baby bump and rubs it.

"But I'm glad she was kicking me this morning because she didn't kick me much last night and it scared me a little bit. I think she was just sleeping though. Rosie would sleep during the day and kick the crap out of me at night when I was pregnant with her. Posey kicks all day and sleeps during the night." Ryland says as Honey and Uno bark loudly at a bird.

"Sorry about that! Honey and Uno were barking at a bird! Let me go sit down, my back is already hurting!" Ryland says as he sits down.

"I think it's the way Posey is laying in there that is making my back hurt! Anyway, today Shane and I are going to take Rosie to see the Easter Bunny! I am so freaking excited! Last year Rosie was only a month old so she clearly doesn't remember meeting the Easter Bunny at all. I really hope she doesn't cry or flip out. But I think she will be nervous around the Easter Bunny because that's how she acted with Santa. But she loved Santa once she sat on his lap and she didn't wanna leave him." Ryland says to the camera and he giggles.

Uno brings a tennis ball over to Ryland to throw. Ryland throws the ball and Uno happily runs after it,

"Honey hates to play catch, so she is just relaxing with me." Ryland says as he pets Honey's head.

"Rosie loves animals so I'm hoping she doesn't get scared of him!" Ryland says to the camera.

Uno comes back with the tennis ball and Ryland throws it again for him. 

"I've been getting a lot of questions about Rosie sleeping in bed with Shane and I. We have been posting a lot of snaps and Instagram stories of her in bed with us. No, we do not co-sleep with Rosie. She has been sleeping in her crib in her nursery since she was six months old. She has been sleeping with us lately because she has been teething non-stop and this poor girl hasn't been able to sleep. The only thing that makes her fall asleep is cuddling with someone. She has like six teeth coming in at once! But three have popped through already so I'm hoping the worst part is behind us." Ryland says as Uno comes back with the tennis ball.

"And yes, she cuddles with Shane in bed. She cuddles with me too, but she loves to cuddle with her Daddy. She is a Daddy's girl!" Ryland says with a big smile.

Then, Shane and Rosie walk outside, causing Ryland's face to light up in utter excitement. Shane is holding Rosie in his arms.

"Good morning, Roo! Good morning, babty!" Ryland says to Rosie and Shane as he vlogs them.

"Mama!" Rosie says happily to Ryland.

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