100 days of school!

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*Rosie, Posey, Cooper and Crew all celebrate 100 days of school! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see! Enjoy! Love • Bree 📚🚌📓*


Ryland is currently in Lily's bedroom because he heard her talking on the baby monitor.

Ryland vlogs Lily, who is happily standing in her crib and she is wide awake despite it being the middle of the night right now.

"Ma Ma! Ma Ma!" Lily says with a big cheeky smile as she jumps in her bed.

"Yes, baby girl?" Ryland says with a big smile at his second baby girl.

"Pway! Pway!" Lily says as she happily claps her hands and jumps in her crib.

"No, Lily bug. It is 3am, sweet girl. Let's go back to bed. It is bedtime still. The sun is still in bed too." Ryland says as he rubs Lily's head tenderly.

"Nooooo." Lily says, pouting her bottom lip, looking just like Shane does when he pouts.

"I know you don't wanna go back to bed now, I  know. But do you wanna cuddle in bed with Daddy and I?" Ryland asks Lily, causing Lily's face to light up.

"Ya! Ya!" Lily says as she jumps around in her bed and claps her hands.

"Okay! Let's go!" Ryland says softly as he picks up Lily, holding her close to him.

Lily holds onto Ryland, causing Ryland to smile.

"I love you, Lily." Ryland says softly to Lily and Lily smiles up at him.

"Wuv!" Lily says back to Ryland, causing Ryland to smile at her again.

The next clip, Ryland vlogs himself and Lily together lying together in bed. Ryland and Lily both smile at the camera and Lily lays her head on Ryland's shoulder.

The last clip, a picture of Ryland and Lily cuddling in bed together. Lily is fast asleep while she lays on Ryland's chest and Ryland is smiling.

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The vlog clip begins with Lily happily babbling at the vlogging camera with Shane giggling at her in the background. Shane is sitting on the master bedroom floor in front of Lily playing with a toy.

"Ba baaaa! Hiiiii! Ba ba! Da da!" Lily babbles as she walks closer to the vlogging camera with her face touching the lens playfully.

Shane giggles at Lily getting close to the vlogging camera and gets her to back up after a few seconds. Lily then begins to dance around and smile at Shane.

"Hi, Lily! Hi, baby girl! Good morning! Did you sleep good with Mama and I last night?" Shane asks Lily, causing Lily to giggle a little bit.

"Ya! Sweep ood!" Lily says as she "blows" kisses at Shane and the camera.

"You did sleep good once you came to bed with Mama and I! I'm so glad about that." Shane says as Cheeto and Louis walk over to Shane and Lily.

"Eeee! Ou!" Lily says, pointing at the two cats that come into frame of the vlogging camera.

"Yeah! That's Cheeto and Louis! Be gentle, gentle with the kitties, Lily." Shane says as Lily happily pets Cheeto and Louis' heads.

"Good girl! And you are good boys, Cheeto and Louis." Shane says, also petting Cheeto and Louis along with Lily.

"Da da!" Lily says as she crawls into Shane's lap and hugs him tightly.

Shane sits Lily on his lap and holds her close, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek, while they smile at the vlogging camera together.

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