a dawson family easter!

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*Rosie celebrates her second Easter with family and friends! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see!  Love • Bree 🐰🐣*

Today is Easter Sunday at the Dawson house!

Ryland and Shane are currently laying in bed together and are cuddling as they wait for Rosie to wake up.

This year is Rosie's second Easter but the first one she will truly enjoy. Last year, Rosie was just a tiny newborn and slept the whole day. 

This year, Ryland and Shane can't wait to spoil Rosie rotten and enjoy the day with her!

Ryland films his baby bump moving around and smiles. He still can't believe that he and Shane are having another baby girl in a few months!

"This little girl has been doing freaking acrobatics in my belly this morning! Good morning, Posey! Happy Easter, baby girl!" Ryland says as he rubs his baby bump.

"Posey is moving around crazy in there. Hi, princess. Daddy loves you so much." Shane says, softly kissing Ryland's baby bump.

"Aww, Posey loves her Daddy. Mama loves you too Posey." Ryland says to Posey as he rubs his baby bump again.

Shane lays his head on Ryland's shoulder making Ryland smile.

"Wakey wakey, Shane. Wakey wakey, cutie pie." Ryland says as he smiles at the camera and rubs Shane's cheek.

"I'm sleepy." Shane says softly as he kisses Ryland's shoulder.

"I actually slept really good last night, thank goodness. Usually when I'm pregnant, I have trouble sleeping but I've been sleeping pretty good this pregnancy. Shaney and I are just cuddling in bed while we wait for Roo to wake up! We are going to have a fun filled Easter with family and friends and I am so excited." Ryland says with a big smile.

"I am so excited to have a family during holidays Easter and do fun family things." Shane says to Ryland.

"Aww! I'm excited too, baby! And next year we will have two girls to spoil!" Ryland says as he tenderly kisses Shane twice.

"I can't wait. I love you, Ry." Shane whispers into Ryland's ear as he kisses Ryland's cheek and rubs Ryland's baby hump.

"I love you too, babty." Ryland says as he kisses Shane's cheek.

"Does Posey move like this all of the time, Ry?" Shane asks Ryland.

"Yes, she does! And Rosie did the same thing when I was pregnant with her. We have very active babies." Ryland says to Shane.

"Unlike us. We are not active at all." Shane says as he laughs loudly and Ryland also laughs.

"You are so funny, babe. I love you." Ryland says as he curls up next to Shane.

"I love you too. Forever and ever." Shane says to Ryland, kissing Ryland's forehead.

A few minutes later....

"Mama! Mama! Dada! Dada!" Rosie says to her baby monitor as she sits up in her crib and holds with her stuffed animals close to her.

"Look who's now awake!" Ryland says, filming the baby monitor that is on his end table.

Rosie is currently standing up in her crib and she is babbling to her stuffed animals.

"Hi, baby girl! I see you, princess! Daddy and I are coming to get you out of your crib!" Ryland says to Rosie from the baby monitor.

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