shane's sick day

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*Shane is sick and Ryland takes care of him! I'm so glad you guys are loving this book so far! Thank you for all the love and support! Thank you to Scomicheislove for helping me write this! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🐷*

After a restless night, Shane wakes up after Ryland, but much later than he usually does and mopes downstairs to the living room, rubbing his face and groaning.

"Somebody finally woke up! Hi, baby!" Ryland says with sarcasm.

"I don't feel good at all, Ryland." Shane groans, laying on the couch near Ryland.

Ryland instantly frowns as he sees his husband's pale appearance and he can definitely tell he clearly doesn't feel well at all. Shane is rarely sick but when he does get sick it's bad.

"What's wrong, baby? Are you feeling okay?" Ryland asks Shane softly as he rubs Shane's forehead.

Shane's forehead is burning up hot of a fever and Shane is a little clammy.

"I don't know, babe. I think I'm just a little sick. Maybe with a cold or something, nothing crazy, babe." Shane says as he coughs a few times.

"You feel so warm, baby. Why don't you go upstairs and lay down. You need to rest. I need to go to the grocery store real quick to get some medicine for you and a few other things. Will you be alright while I'm gone?" Ryland asks Shane as he rubs Shane's cheeks.

"I think so.. Thank you, babe." Shane says, heading back upstairs to lay down.

"You're welcome, baby. If you want something else at the store, just call me, okay? I love you." Ryland says as he softly kisses Shane's cheek.

"Okay, I will. I love you too. Thank you for taking care of me." Shane says as he gets off of the couch.

"You're welcome, babe! You know I will take care of you, always! Make sure you lay down and rest! I'll be back in a half hour." Ryland says as Shans smiles before he goes upstairs to lay down.

Ryland puts a pair of sweats on and a pair of shoes before leaving the house to head out to the grocery store.

Ryland is driving to the store and decides to vlog a little bit since he hasn't vlogged in a while.

"Hi, guys! I hope you guys are having a great weekend! I am on my way to the grocery store to get some cold medicine and a few other things for Shane. Shane woke up burning up with a fever and he looks awful. My poor baby." Ryland says as he frowns.

"I knew something was up with him because he didn't wake up when he usually does, but I figured he was up later then usual last night. Shane rarely gets sick too, so he is miserable right now. So, I am going to take care of him today and probably tomorrow because Shane always takes care of me when I'm sick. He has just been so freaking amazing throughout our journey of trying to have a baby. He makes sure I rest and not stress out too much. He is going to be an incredible dad someday. I just love him so much. Well, I am at the store now so I will see you in a little bit!" Ryland says as he waves goodbye.

~ Thirty Minutes Later ~
Ryland walks into the house and is greeted by Honey and Uno. Honey and Uno happily wag their tails and try to jump on Ryland, excited to see him!

"Hi, Honey and Uno! Hi guys!" Ryland says as he pets them and kisses their heads.

"We need to take care of Daddy today! He doesn't feel well. Hello, Cheeto! There you are!" Ryland says as Cheeto lays on his cat bed near the window.

Ryland pets Cheeto and kisses his head so he doesn't feel left out.

Ryland then feeds Cheeto, Honey and Uno lunch before getting a tray full of things for Shane together. Ryland grabs a bottle of water, cough drops, and cold medicine for Shane.

Ryland walks quietly up the steps, with Honey and Uno following him closely behind making Ryland laugh.

"They wanna help me make Shane feel better." Ryland whispers.

Ryland opens the master bedroom door and sees Shane fast asleep and awes at the sight of his husband sleeping.

Ryland sets the tray down on his end table and slowly climbs into the bed with Shane. Ryland admires his husband sleeping and kisses his cheek softly.

Ryland then begins to rub Shane's face and Shane slowly wakes up, groaning in pain.

"Hey babe, I'm home now from the store. Can you take this medicine for me?" Ryland says as Shane hides his face with his pillow.

Ryland chuckles as he moves Shane's pillow and kisses his cheek. Shane smiles at all the affection from Ryland. Shane and Ryland have been through a lot trying to have a baby and they haven't been affectionate much lately.

"I know you hate taking any type of medicine, but you wanna feel better, don't you?" Ryland says and Shane reluctantly sits up in bed.

"Here's some medicine to make you feel a lot better, babe. This pill right here is to help your sinuses dry up so you can breathe a little better. I also have liquid medicine for you cough. This is the best over the counter cough medicine, babe." Ryland says as Shane takes the medicine and makes a disgusted face as he takes the medicine.

"That cough medicine is fucking gross, babe!" Shane says as he drinks the water that Ryland brought up for him.

"Thank you taking the medicine, baby. Are you hungry?" Ryland asks Shane.

"Not right now, babe. Thank you anyway, Ry." Shane whispers as he lays back down.

"Well, I want you to eat something in a little bit, okay? I'll make you some soup." Ryland says as Shane nods, before laying down.

Ryland rubs small circles into Shane's back as Shane falls back asleep.

Ryland then films Honey and Uno sleeping on the end of the bed and then Cheeto sleeping next to Shane. Ryland smiles as he films Shane sleeping on his chest, slightly snoring.

"My sleepy baby." Ryland whispers as he kisses Shane's cheek.

Ryland films himself and Shane eating lunch. Him and Shane are watching Netflix together
Shane eating a bowl of chicken eating soup while Ryland is eating a sandwich.

"Baby is feeling a little bit better! Is the soup good, baby?" Ryland asks Shane.

"Yes, it is. Thank you so much, baby." Shane says as he smiles at Ryland and kisses his hand.

"Shane doesn't wanna kiss me and get me sick. He's so cute." Ryland says as he kisses Shane's cheek.

"Well, I am going to end my short vlog here! We love you guys! See you next time!" Ryland says as he and Shane wave goodbye.

Ryland and Shane spent the rest of the day together in bed and cuddling! Shane felt better a few days later! :)

Ryland posts a picture of himself laying in bed with Shane laying on his chest. He writes the caption as: "My babty doesn't feel well ☹️ I loved spending the day just relaxing and cuddling with him 🐷❤️"

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