relaxing day at home

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*Shane and Ryland have relaxing day at home with baby Rosie! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🐶

Ryland and Shane have been home with Rosie for almost a week! They both have been adjusting to parenthood very well and love being parents! Rosie is already back to her birth weight and is doing great.

Shane has been on bottle duty since Ryland can't do the stairs a lot right now. Ryland is healing well from his c-section and is getting a lot of rest, Shane is making sure of that.

Shane is currently downstairs taking Uno and Honey outside to use the bathroom. Shane then cleans out Cheeto's litter box and gets all of their bowls filled with fresh food and filled the water bowl.

Shane grabs the vlogging camera and begins to vlog himself. He hasn't vlogged himself since he and Ryland brought Rosie home.

"Hi, guys! Good morning! Oh my god, I look so gross right now. But this is what fatherhood looks like and I love being a dad!" Shane says as he laughs.

"Ryland is sleeping upstairs and Rosie is right over here sleeping in her swing. I've been up since six am, which is so early for me." Shane says as he films Rosie in her swing.

Rosie wakes up and looks around the room and then she looks up at Shane. Shane smiles and kisses Rosie's forehead softly.

"Good morning, Roo! Are you hungry? You are getting hungry, aren't you? Let me bring Honey and Uno in and then I'll make you a bottle. You are such a beautiful girl. I love you so much." Shane says as he kisses Rosie again.

" Shane says as he kisses Rosie again

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*Rosie's pajamas*

Shane brings Uno and Honey in from outside. They both walk over and begin to happily sniff Rosie. Cheeto also walks over and sits next to Rosie's swing, observing her.

Shane sits the camera down and begins to make Rosie's breakfast bottle.

"Aww, you guys smelling Rosie? Honey, Uno and Cheeto absolutely LOVE Rosie! They always wanna be near her and sniff her constantly. We were really worried about Cheeto because he likes to scratch and attack people, but he has been so nice with Rosie." Shane says, shaking up Rosie's bottle.

Rosie begins to cry, causing Honey and Uno to get scared and jump.

"It's okay, Rosie! I'm almost done! I'm coming, I'm coming." Shane says as he walks over to Rosie.

Shane delicately picks up Rosie from her swing and sits down on the couch. He positions Rosie in his arms comfortably before he begins to feed Rosie. Rosie happily drinks her bottle and looks up at Shane.

"There you go, baby girl. You were hungry!" Shane whispers to Rosie.

"Shaney?" Ryland says from the top of the steps.

"Ry, what are you doing up? You shouldn't be trying to do the steps by yourself." Shane says to Ryland.

"I have been up up and I don't care. I heard Roo crying, is she okay?" Ryland asks Shane as he walks down the steps ever so slowly.

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