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*Shane, Ryland and Rosie go to Jeffree and Nate's house for a playdate. I know the order is a little messed up but I wanted to post this one. Thank you to Thefeelz1234 for helping me write some of this. Love • Bree 😇*

Ryland, Shane and Rosie are getting ready to head to Jeffree and Nate's house for a very fun play date!

Jeffree and Nate just adopted a baby boy named Dominic Nathan Schwandt. He is fourteen months old and is talking up a storm! Jeffree and Nate are very happy to have him in their lives.

Rosie is currently five months old and she is sitting up pretty much all by herself! Ryland and Shane always make sure a pillow is behind her just incase she falls over.

Shane vlogs Rosie sitting on the floor with Cheeto sitting next to her. Shane is currently laughing his ass off because Cheeto looks very annoyed at Rosie because Rosie keeps grabbing at his tail.

"Hi, guys! We haven't vlogged in forever I feel like! I have been so busy working on a few video series for my YouTube channel! But, I am keeping this little girl occupied while Ryland gets ready upstairs. Say hi, Rosie!" Shane says as Rosie giggles loudly at him.

*Rosie's outfit*

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*Rosie's outfit*

Shane vlogs Rosie and Rosie babbles loudly at him, kicking her legs. Shane giggles at Rosie and smiles at her.

"She is such a happy baby and I'm so happy to be her dad. She is the greatest thing that has happened to Ryland and I. We are so blessed." Shane says with a grin.

Rosie happily shakes her toy and Shane proudly vlogs her.

"Hey Roo, are you ready to play with Dominic today?" Shane asks Rosie with a babyfied voice. 

Rosie babbles loudly at Shane and falls over, making Shane giggle loudly. Cheeto also runs away from Rosie, tired of her crap.

"Uh oh! You fell over, Rosie!" Shane says with a giggle, sitting Rosie back up.

Rosie babbles and begins to play with her baby toys Shane set out on the floor for her. Shane then vlogs Cheeto playing with his cat toy.

"Cheeto had enough of Rosie pulling on him for today! We get asked a lot how the pets are with Rosie. All of them are so sweet and gentle with her. Honey loves to lick her cheeks, Uno loves to take her toys away playfully, and Cheeto loves to cuddle with her but he gets annoyed when she pulls on him." Shane says with a giggle. 

Ryland walks down the steps and Rosie sees him, making her smile ear to ear. Rosie begins to babble loudly at him!

"Hi, Roo! Hi, pretty girl!" Ryland says as he picks up Rosie off of the floor and kisses her cheeks.

Rosie grabs at Ryland's nose making Ryland laugh. Ryland then walks over and softly kisses Shane. 

"Are you two ready to go?" Ryland asks Shane softly.

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