will you be my godparents?

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*Throwback to one month old baby Rosie! Ryland and Shane ask Lisa and Andrew to be Rosie's godparents. Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💖*

After many months of thinking about it, Ryland and Shane have both mutually decided that Lisa and Andrew will be Rosie's godparents!

Despite splitting many years ago, Shane and Lisa are still very close. Shane helps Lisa whenever she needs it and Lisa helps shane whenever he needs it. They talk often and are still best friends. Ryland and Lisa are also very close. Lisa helped Ryland pick out things for Rosie's nursery alongside Morgan and she bought a ton of things to Rosie.

As for Andrew, Andrew is like a brother to both Shane and Ryland and he is also a partner in creating YouTube content. Andrew is very helpful and very thoughtful. Ryland and Shane think Andrew will be the perfect godfather for Rosie.

So today, Shane and Ryland are going to ask Lisa to be Rosie's godmother. Shane and Ryland already told Lisa's boyfriend Jeff the plan and he is going to try to film the special moment for all of them. Ryland and Shane picked out a very cute necklace 

Shane is getting Rosie into her car seat and ready to go out while Ryland finishes getting ready.

"Are you ready to see Auntie Lisa, Uncle Jeff and Corny, Roo?" Shane asks Rosie in a babyfied voice as he covers Rosie up in a thin blanket.

Rosie coos and looks up at Shane. Rosie then looks around for her pink pacifier.

"Here's your paci, baby. There you go." Shane says as he kisses Rosie's forehead.

Rosie happily sucks on pacifier and watches Shane, making Shane smile.

Ryland walks down the steps slowly, all ready to go out!

"Are my two cutie pies ready to go out?" Ryland asks Shane and Rosie as he smiles at them both.

"Yes, we are ready babe!" Shane says as he picks up Rosie in her car seat.

"Aww, Roo looks so cute! Hi, Roo! Hi, baby girl!" Ryland says as he kisses Rosie's cheeks tenderly.

"Let's go see your godmom, Roo!" Shane says as he carries Rosie out to the car and Ryland locks up the house.

Shane, Ryland and Rosie head over to Lisa and Jeff's house!

Ryland, Shane and Rosie are now at Lisa and Jeff's house! Ryland rings the door bell while Shane is holding Rosie in her car seat.

"Aww, Rosie looks so cute in her car seat." Ryland says to Shane as he looks at Rosie.

"She always looks cute. Cutest YouTube baby ever." Shane says as Ryland chuckles and smiles.

Lisa then opens the front door and smiles ear to ear as she sees Ryland, Shane and Rosie standing on her porch.

"Hi! Oh my goodness, I missed you guys!" Lisa says as she hugs both Shane and Ryland tightly.

"Aw, we missed you too!" Ryland and Shane say in unison.

"Come on in! Jeff! Rosie, Shane and Ryland are here! Lisa says as Ryland and Shane walk into Lisa and Jeff's house.

"Hey guys!" Jeff says from the kitchen.

"Hey, Jeff!" Ryland and Shane say in unison to Jeff.

Lisa, Ryland and Shane walk into the living room and all sit down on the couch together.

"Do you two need something to drink?" Jeff asks Shane and Ryland from the kitchen.

"I'll take a water, please!" Ryland says to Jeff.

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