bringing posey home

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*Ryland and Shane bring their new baby girl, Posey Claire home from the hospital! I am sorry all of the oneshots are about Posey but she is the star of the oneshots right now! Don't worry, I'll have some Rosie oneshots as well! 🐷 Love • Bree ❤️*

Baby Posey is coming home from the hospital today!

Shane and Ryland are both very excited to be leaving the hospital with their new baby girl, Posey Claire who was born almost two days ago.

Ryland and Posey had to stay in the hospital for twenty four hours to be monitored, which is something everybody has to do in order to be discharged from the hospital.

Both Ryland and Posey are doing very well and are both ready to go home! Ryland and Posey will both discharged from the hospital at twelve o'clock.

Ryland and Shane are finishing up eating their breakfast while Posey sleeps in her rolling crib next to them. Ryland begins to vlog Shane who is sitting next to him.

"Hi, Shaney." Ryland says softly to Shane.

Shane blushes at Ryland and at the vlogging camera.

"Hi, babty. Are you ready to go home later?" Shane asks Ryland.

"YES! I am SO ready to go home. The nurses woke me up more then Posey did last night!" Ryland says as Shane giggles and smiles.

"They have to do their job, babe. And I knocked out last night. I was so tired. I'm sorry I didn't help you with Posey last night." Shane says as he rubs his eyes.

"All of the nurses were very nice last night. They felt bad waking me up and checking on Posey. However, I am so glad they come in and check. It is just annoying when I'm trying to sleep! And I know, you didn't sleep really at all right after Posey was born, it's okay! You need your rest too, love. Posey slept very well last night. She only woke up twice to eat and she is breastfeeding well. Her pediatrician said Posey hasn't lost a lot of weight so we can let her sleep for longer periods of time. We just have make sure she eats every three to four hours." Ryland says to Shane and the camera.

"That's good. I remember we had to constantly feed Roo every one to two hours because she lost a lot of weight right after she was born." Shane says to Ryland.

"Yeah, I remember that too. It is very normal for a baby to loose weight after they are born but Roo just lot a little more then that and that's okay. She has caught up now, that's for sure!" Ryland says to the camera and Shane.

"Definitely. She loves to eat now." Shane says as he and Ryland both giggle.

Ryland then films Posey sleeping in her rolling crib next to him.

"Get ready for your big sister Roo and fur siblings, Pos. They all can't wait for you to be home." Ryland says softly as he tenderly rubs Posey's cheek.

"Morgan has been watching Cheeto, Uno and Honey for us while we are at the hospital. Morgan said she let all of them smell the baby blanket with Posey's scent I brought over yesterday and she said that Cheeto, Honey and Uno all reacted the same way they did when they smelled Rosie's baby blanket." Shane says happily.

"Aww! That is so sweet! And Morgan is so excited to meet Posey for the very first time! Morgan is so thrilled to have a birthday twin!" Ryland says as he giggles and smiles at the camera. 

"Morgan was going to come over to the hospital yesterday to visit with us but we told her not to. We wanted her to stay at our house and to make sure everything at home was okay." Shane says to the camera as he rubs Ryland's leg, making Ryland smile.

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