cracker barrel dinner family fun!

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*Shane, Ryland and the girls go out to dinner as a family! Thank you to PunchedTheBurrsar for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🥰*

Right now, Ryland, Shane and the girls were getting ready to go out to Cracker Barrel tonight for dinner, even though it was a bit far from the house!

"Ugh, I'm so eager to go to Cracker Barrel today! I've been craving their rainbow trout! And biscuits for a few days now!" Ryland tells Shane, getting dressed.

"I know! We don't go there much because it's farther away, but it's very good!" Shane says back to Ryland, helping Posey get dressed for the day.

Rosie is also in this conversation, and she is so excited too to go to Cracker Barrel!

"I yike chicken n' dumpwings!" Rosie enthuses.

Posey is wearing a little overall outfit with a long sleeved green shirt. Her hair isn't done yet.

Rosie is wearing something similar as Posey, but with a green t-shirt and overalls. Her hair is in a braid.

"Chicken and dumplings are very good, Roo! You can get those!" Ryland says as he smiles at Rosie.

"Yay!" Rosie says as she cheers loudly.

"Po bear! Do you want some chicken nuggets and fries? Or do you want something else?" Shane asks Posey as he puts a hair bow in her hair.

"No! Nuggies and eeeese!" Posey tells Shane with some sass and very ecstatic.

Posey still found it hard to stay still for her hair being done but Shane manages to get it done.

Shane and Ryland both chuckle, finding Posey using her words adorable.

"Good job, Po! Good job using your words!" Ryland praises Posey making her smile.

"Go get your shoes on, Roo! Then we can go bye byes!" Shane says happily and Rosie runs to get her favorite light up shoes on that are velcro.

Ryland gets Posey's favorite shoes which are yellow with butterflies on them with velcro. Ryland then makes sure he has his wallet and keys and so does Shane.

"I got my shoes on!" Rosie says as she stomps her feet, making her shoes light up.

"Ya!" Posey says as she slides off the bed and stomps her feet too, making her shoes light up too.

"Okay, pretty girls! Let's go!" Shane says as he kisses Ryland and slips on a pair of his shoes that are not his slides for a change.

Shane then picks up both Rosie and Posey and carried them down the steps making Ryland smile ear to ear.

Rosie can go down the steps by herself while Posey is slowly learning to go down safely and not sliding on her butt. However, Shane loves to spoil his girls whenever he can!

The family walk out to the G-Wagon and Shane decides to drive this time, which he doesn't usually drive the G, since it's Ryland's car.

Shane sets Rosie down, putting Posey in the rear-facing car seat, while Ryland helps Rosie into her rear-facing car seat.

All kids should be on rear-facing seats as long as possible, since it's the safest way to ride. Until they outgrow it too.

Rosie buckles her chest buckle and other buckle all by herself, making Ryland grin proudly.

"Good job, Roo!" Ryland says with a big grin.

Shane buckles Posey up and gives her a kiss on her forehead before doing the same with Rosie so she wouldn't get jealous. Then, he gets ink the drivers seat and Ryland sits in the passenger seat.

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