pregnancy test results

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*Its been two weeks since Ryland and Shane did another fertility treatment! Will they be pregnant? Find out below! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 💞*

The agonizing two week wait is finally over! The doctor will leave a voicemail on Ryland's phone to give him the results of his blood work. Ryland has his blood work done yesterday. Ryland usually doesn't like getting his blood work done, but Shane was right by his side through it all. Shane and Ryland will know today if Ryland is pregnant or if they need to try another type of fertility treatment.

Shane and Ryland are sitting on the couch and Shane has a camera on a tripod to film the special moment. Ryland kinda didn't want Shane to film this because he wants to keep it private, but he realizes he should to spread awareness about carrier men infertility and this can help somebody feel not alone.

"Today is the big day, guys! We will find out if Ryland is pregnant! I'm nervous but not at the same time. I think it will be okay. Either way we will accept what happens, right babe?" Shane says as Ryland nods shyly.

Ryland is wearing Shane's green hoodie and has his glasses on. He could hardly sleep the night before, anxious about today's results.

"We told the doctor to tell us the results on a voicemail because I don't know if I could talk to the doctor right away if it's bad news. I would need time to process and get my mindset in a better place before discussing things with the doctor." Ryland says as his iPhone begins to ring.

"It's the doctor, Ry! Oh my God!" Shane says as he gets excited.

"I'm so nervous right now." Ryland says as he takes a deep breath.

"It's alright, babe. I promise it will be okay. No matter what the doctor says it will be okay." Shane says as he kisses Ryland's cheek.

"I hope so." Ryland says as he takes another deep breath.

Shane smiles at Ryland and kisses him softly.

"I love you. Forever and always." Shane whispers as he rubs Ryland's cheeks making Ryland blush.

"I love you too, babe. Forever and always." Ryland says in a whisper.

"The doctor left a voicemail, babe! Oh my god, I am starting to get nervous now! I feel like I'm going to shit my pants!" Shane says as Ryland laughs loudly.

"Ew, don't do that and ruin the couch! Well, I'm so nervous that I feel nauseous!" Ryland says as Shane awes.

"Aww! Don't feel sick, babe! You ready for this?" Shane says as Ryland nods.

"I'm ready as I'll ever be!" Ryland says as he kisses Shane softly.

"Let me make sure the camera is filming! Even if it's negative we will have it to look back on!" Shane says as he checks the camera on the tripod and it is recording.

"You want me to put it on speaker?" Ryland asks Shane softly.

"Yeah! So everybody can hear what the doctor is saying, babe." Shane says as he holds Ryland's hand.

Ryland squeezes Shane's hand for support and Shane kisses Ryland's hand, making Ryland blush.

"Here we go guys!" Ryland says as he plays the voicemail message.

Doctor: "Hi, this message is for Ryland Dawson. This is Tracie from CHA Fertility Center! I just wanted to give you a call in regards to your lab results from yesterday! And congratulations, you are pregnant! Your hormone levels look great today! Your HCG levels look great as well! Anything HCG level above 5 means you are pregnant and yours is 700, which is awesome! Your estrogen and progesterone also look great! Your estrogen level is at 900! We like to see it 300 or higher. Your progesterone level is higher then 40 we like to see it 20 or higher. Everything looks wonderful! Congratulations! We will check your blood work again in two days and then we will set up an OB appointment for you! I hope you have a great day! Please call if you have any questions! We are so happy for you and your husband!"

Shane gasps in excitement while Ryland screams loudly and hugs Shane tightly, climbing into his lap.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Shane says as Ryland begins to cry.

"HOLY FUCK! WE ARE HAVING A BABY, SHANE!" Ryland screams as he tries to calm down but he can't because he is SO excited!

"You are pregnant! You are pregnant! I knew we were going to get pregnant soon! I told you, baby! I told you!" Shane says as Ryland cries loudly.

"Oh my God! I can't believe this! Our dream is finally happening!" Ryland says as he kisses Shane passionately.

"I told you that you would get pregnant this month! Your levels in your blood are so fucking high! What if you are pregnant with like octuplets or something!" Shane says as he wipes the tears off of Ryland's cheeks.

"I wouldn't care, honestly! I would love them all if that is the case! But the treatment we did, we will probably just have one baby and that is perfectly fine! It's what we have been wanting for so fucking long!" Ryland says as he begins to cry again.

Shane kisses Ryland's cheek and Ryland smiles ear to ear.

"I know, we wanted this for so fucking long and it's finally happening, baby! It's finally happening! We are going to be parents, holy shit!" Shane says as he kisses Ryland again.

"I love you so so much, Shane." Ryland says as he hugs Shane tightly.

Shane wraps Ryland around him and hugs him tightly.

"I love you too! You are going to be such a cute Mommy, Ry." Shane says as Ryland giggles.

"You are going to be the best Daddy, I know that." Ryland says as he smiles.

Shane rubs Ryland's flat stomach and looks up at Ryland and smiles.

"We have a little baby in there." Shane says as Ryland smiles and nods.

"We sure do! Baby Dawson is in there! We should wait to tell everybody, just in case something goes wrong. Can you do that? Can you keep a secret?" Ryland says as he tickles Shane and Shane laughs.

"Of course! I kept you a secret when we first started dating so I can keep our baby a secret! How long do we have to wait?" Shane asks Ryland as he rubs his back.

"Until I hit like thirteen to fifteen weeks. Just to make sure the baby is growing fine and the pregnancy is normal." Ryland says as Shane smiles.

"We have a baby in here! We are PREGNANT!" Shane yells at Ryland chuckles.

Uno, Honey and Cheeto walk over and try to jump on Shane and Ryland.

"You have a baby brother or baby sister coming guys!" Shane says as he holds Cheeto.

Uno and Honey sniff Ryland's stomach making Ryland and Shane awe.

"They must sense I'm pregnant or something!" Ryland says as Shane smiles.

Shane kisses Ryland's stomach and puts his head near Ryland's stomach.

"You guys will probably see this video when we finish the first trimester. Is that what it's called?" Shane asks Ryland and laughs.

"Yes, babe. Trimesters not semesters." Ryland says making Shane laugh.

"I said semesters before and Ryland laughed at me! We love you guys! We can't wait to share this journey with you all!" Shane says as he hugs Ryland.

"We need to take a bump picture! I guess I'm about four to five weeks now? Take a cute picture of my nonexistent baby bump." Ryland says as he giggles.

"Okay, I'll take a picture!" Shane says as he turns the camera off.

Ryland writes a cute sign on a piece of paper that says "Four/Five Weeks!"

Ryland lifts his shirt up a little bit and holds the sign near his stomach. Shane takes a few pictures and Ryland giggles.

"I love you so much, baby Daddy." Ryland says as he kisses Shane.

"I love you too, baby mama!" Shane says as Ryland smiles.

For the rest of the day, Shane and Ryland celebrated the wonderful news by eating a lot and cuddling! :)

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