posey's nursery reveal!

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*Shane and Ryland reveal Baby Posey's nursery to everyone! Please send suggestions on what you wanna see in this book! Love • Bree 💖🧸🎀*

Shane and Ryland are standing by Posey's nursery door. Shane and Ryland are getting ready to film Posey's nursery reveal video for Ryland's YouTube channel!

Ryland smiles ear to ear at Shane and then he smiles at Rosie, who is standing next to him.

"Rosie, who's bedroom is this?" Ryland asks Rosie as he points to the bedroom door.

"Baby room!" Rosie says as she jumps around happily and smiles at Ryland.

"Baby who, Rosie?" Shane asks Rosie as Rosie smiles up at him.

"Baby Po Po's room!" Rosie says with excitement at Shane as she dances around making Ryland giggle.

"That's right, baby girl! This is baby Posey's bedroom!" Ryland says as Rosie cheers and dances around the hallway making Ryland and Shane giggle and smile.

"You are such a pretty girl, Roo!" Shane says as he vlogs Rosie and Rosie giggles and smiles at him.

"Do you wanna stay up here with Daddy and I or do you wanna go play downstairs with Auntie Morgan?" Ryland asks Rosie as he rubs Rosie's head softly.

"Mo Mo!" Rosie says to Ryland happily.

"Okay! Go ahead and see Mo Mo, Roo." Ryland says to Rosie.

Morgan walks over to the bottom of the steps and waits for Rosie to walk down the steps.

"Pway, Mo Mo!" Rosie says in the background, making Ryland and Shane laugh loudly.

"Okay! Let's play!" Morgan says to Rosie happily.

"Rosie is so cute." Shane says as Ryland nods in agreement at him.

"Are you ready to film, babe?" Shane asks Ryland.

"I'm ready, babe!" Ryland says as he fixes his shirt and smiles at Shane.

Shane gets the camera ready on the tripod and begins to film Ryland. Ryland playfully poses for Shane and Shane giggles at him.

"You are so cute, babty." Shane says softly to Ryland, making Ryland's cheeks blush.

"Aww, so are you babty." Ryland says, blowing Shane a kiss.

Ryland then gets serious and begins his brand new YouTube video!

"Hi, guys! And welcome to my YouTube channel! Today, Shane and I are going to film Posey's nursery reveal for all of you! This video has been requested so much and Shane and I are finally ready to show all of you our newest princess' nursery! It is absolutely perfect for Miss Posey and we absolutely can't wait to have her here! We are in the final stretch! I am in the third trimester of my pregnancy now and it is very exciting!" Ryland says as he rubs his growing baby bump.

"Oh, if you hear any background noise, it is just Rosie playing downstairs with Morgan. Morgan is watching Rosie for us while we film this video!" Ryland says to the camera happily.

"WEEEEEEEE!" Rosie says loudly in the background downstairs, making Shane and Ryland laugh loudly.

"Also, Shane is my camera man today! Thank you, baby!" Ryland says to Shane, making Shane blush at him.

"You're welcome, babty. I love you." Shane says softly from behind the camera.

"I love you too! Oh, and I will be out of breath through out this video! I'm sorry about that! When you are pregnant you can't breathe! Posey is sitting up in my ribs constantly and it makes me out of breath all of the time." Ryland says with a giggle.

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