Chapter 298 - 300

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(298) Kidd Appears

Blue sky with white clouds and bright sun.

"Ki, Ki, Kidd!" Conan yelled with widened eyes.

"Hey, are you surprised? Detective-kun." Kaito Kuroba hugged his waist with one hand, and rubbed his head with the other.

"Why are you here!" Conan continued to stare at him.

"Hmm... If I wasn't here, you'd be a meatloaf, at least say thank you, brat." Kaito Kuroba rolled his eyes.

"...Thank you." Conan always felt a little aggrieved.

Moreover, why did Kidd so coincidentally be in Didan Primary School, it was broad daylight? Moreover, police officers Zhu Fu let him jump off the building, did he know that Kidd could catch him?

On the roof of Mihua Hospital, Zhu Fu Jingguang used the spare scope of the sniper rifle as a telescope, and he was relieved when he saw Kaito Kuroba catch Conan and re-launch.

"So, what you said is 'better than a helicopter', is Kaitou Kidd?" Akai Shuichi asked while lying on the ground while adjusting the sniper rifle.

"Yeah, it's really easy to use. Helicopters can't catch people from mid-air." Zhu Fu Jingguang said with a smile.

"That child was recruited by your police?" Akai Shuichi said with certainty.

"As a public security assistant, that child has a detached personality and is not suitable to be trapped in the establishment." Zhu Fu Jingguang replied.

"Very good." Akai Hideo nodded.

Well, speaking of which, he shot Kidd once, and I don't know if he scared the child, so it's better to comfort him when he has a chance.

"Where are you taking me?" Conan asked.

"Well..." Kuroba Kaito was also troubled.

He was able to catch up to rescue Conan because he received a request for help early in the morning and asked him to play Kurokawa Rin, so he was originally on the tram to Mihua Town. So after hearing what Zhu Fujingguang said about the situation, he immediately got off at the nearest station, found a building of suitable height and took off in disguise, and went to rescue Didan Primary School from the air. Fortunately, today's wind direction and wind are very suitable.

"Conan-kun, are you okay?" Zhu Fu Jingguang's voice came from the phone.

Although it has gone through a lot of twists and turns, the phone is stubbornly keeping the call, and the hands-free is also turned on.

"Well, it's fine." Conan replied.

"Very good, you are now landing on the roof of Mihua Hospital and meeting us." Zhu Fu Jingguang said.

"Understood~" Kuroba Kaito cheerfully responded.

Conan noticed the "you" and couldn't help asking: "Officer Midorikawa, do you know Kidd?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang was silent for a while, and then slowly opened his mouth: "Conan Jun, I know you are curious, but you have to know that everyone has secrets that they don't want others to know. He has it, I have it, and you have it too. You wouldn't want your secrets to be dug out by others, would you?"

"..." Conan was a little reconciled, but he did think of the consequences if his secret of being Kudo Shinichi was revealed, and finally admitted: "I know."

"Very well, then..."

"Wait, Mr. Zhufu, there's a sniper below... Hey, hey!" Kaito Kuroba turned over in the air in a thrilling embrace of Conan, dodging a bullet, "It's too much! Grab a small It’s okay for the child to dispatch so many people, even snipers are too much!”

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