Chapter 122 - 124

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(122) Red and Black

Even at 11 o'clock in the evening, the city of junk Vegas is still brightly lit, worthy of being the city that never sleeps in the desert.

Rin Kurokawa found a hotel and opened one of the best luxury suites.

In this place of Las Vegas, you can see all kinds of couples every day. The same sex with wet clothes like them can't arouse the curiosity of the waiter at all.

Kurokawa Rin took the room card, took the trolley case and bag in one hand, and walked into the elevator with Toru Amuro's shoulder in the other.

The room is on the top floor of the hotel. The panoramic view of the city that never sleeps can be seen from the large floor-to-ceiling windows. The round big bed is sprinkled with bright red rose petals, and there is a super-large luxurious bathtub that can accommodate two people swimming in it.

Kurokawa Rin threw the luggage away, walked into the bathroom, and said, "I'm going to fill in the water and take a bath. I'll take a good rest today. I'll talk about the mission when you recover."

"It's okay?" Amuro asked.

"Ah, it's okay." Rin Kurokawa didn't take it seriously. "Anyway, Rum just gave me the task when he heard that I was coming. I don't think it's urgent."

Amuro felt relieved when he heard the words, it was Rum's task anyway, why bother.

He first took a change of clothes from his bag, hesitated for a moment, and shouted, "Did I help you get the clothes?"

"Well, it's okay. By the way, take out my computer and charge it." Kurokawa Rin said in the bathroom.

"Understood." Toru Amuro agreed, and opened the suitcase first to find out the pajamas. Then he picked up the computer bag, and just as he took out the notebook, suddenly, a book was taken out together, and fell to the ground with a "snap".

He didn't care either, and bent down to pick up the book. However, when his eyes fell on the cover, he couldn't help being shocked.

"The Red and the Black" by the French writer Stendhal.

He stared blankly at the title of the book, feeling complicated and unspeakable.

It's not that they don't know that "The Red and the Black" is a world famous book, five out of ten people have read it. What's more, someone like Kurokawa Rin who loves to read books, used to always keep books in his hands when he was idle in the safe house. It's not normal for him to take a book to pass the time on such a long flight alone. But why... this book.

"Red and Black", his home—the one belonging to Furutani Rei, has an original French edition in its collection. It was the only thing left to him by that person when he was young, and he has carefully treasured it for more than 20 years.

For Furutani Rei, "The Red and the Black" is a book of special significance, and he even learned fluent French because of it.

"Through? What's wrong with you?" Suddenly, Kurokawa Rin's voice came from behind, "Not feeling well?"

"No, I..." Toru Amuro quickly put down the book, found the power supply from the bag, and plugged in the laptop.

"Do you like this book?" Kurokawa Rin asked.

"Well, I saw it when I was a child." Amuro Toru paused, then suddenly said something.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered a question that had been ignored all along.

Rin... the sound, can't it also be written as "林"?

Although the appearance of seven or eight-year-old children has changed a lot when they grow up, if you have to look for Rin's shadow from Kurokawa Rin's face, you will also find that the facial features are actually somewhat similar, and the age is also suitable.

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