Chapter 119 - 121

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(119) Sending You To Die

Kurokawa Rin's mechanical sound of "Come here" was all over his head, and he was so agitated that he wanted to smash the computer, but fortunately he held back.

Leave the villa and go around to the back. At this time, the mechanism of the secret room on the mountain side is still in good condition, unlike 15 years later, when he entered through the vent, the equipment inside was basically damaged, and finally he smashed the door to come out.

No one was seen in the laboratory, so it was natural to think so. How could the boss let others know that he was here? The old and blind guy in the villa should be the one responsible for delivering daily necessities.

Walking to the door of the laboratory at that time, the door automatically slid open to both sides.

Kurokawa Rin walked in with no expression on his face. He didn't bring a gun, but secretly pinched the blade hidden in his cuff.

The laboratory doesn't look dilapidated, it's all white, brightly lit, and spotless. The indicator lights of various instruments flashed and made low operating sounds. In countless containers, various organs were soaked in an unknown solution. There is even a huge nutrition tank as tall as a person, filled with transparent liquid, soaking in... a person?

Kurokawa Rin didn't even care where the boss was, and walked to the jar in a few steps.

Inside was a boy about his age, with long hair spreading out in the water, floating like seaweed. The boy was clearly alive, his chest still heaving slightly, breathing through a respirator with tubes extending from above.

In addition, there are many wires of unknown purpose, which are pasted on the boy's ** body through electrode pads, which are probably used to monitor various body data.

Kurokawa Rin's eyes fell on the boy's still immature face, this is...


"This is a perfect work." An old voice came from behind, without the barrier of the voice changer, it sounded rotten.

Rin Kurokawa turned around slowly, and finally saw the behind-the-scenes boss of this world.

However, after seeing it, I couldn't help being disappointed.

It was just an old man sitting in a wheelchair and using countless instruments to maintain his life.

Even the man of the hour half a century ago is now just a piece of rotten meat that clings to the flame of life like a candle in the wind and refuses to let go. If there is anything else worthy of attention, those eyes that should have been muddy are still burning with greedy flames, as if they are about to burn out the last bit of life.

"You are the boss of the organization?" Kurokawa Rin asked calmly, tilting his head.

"My name is Renye Karasuma, you should know." Renye Karasuma parked the wheelchair three meters away from him, which was also the farthest distance the cables on his body allowed him to move freely.

Between the two of them, there happened to be a nutrition jar soaked in gin.

"Well, I know." Kurokawa Rin nodded, looking indifferent, "I also know that you should have died a long time ago. Is it meaningful to linger on like this?"

Renye Karasuma was not angry, but just looked at the nutrition jar with obsessive eyes, and said to herself: "The cornea can be replaced, the kidney can be replaced, the blood can be replaced... Then if the whole body is old, why can't the body be replaced? Originally, you were my most perfect work..."

"..." Kurokawa Rin couldn't bear a chill.

The most perfect work? He can guarantee that if he wakes up from the nutrition tank when reading the file, the first thing he will do is soak Karasuma Renye in it, and it must be soaked alive!

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