Chapter 110 - 112

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(110) The Bridge Between Past and Future

The old-fashioned keyboard creaked, and a few keys didn't work and had to be fixed with a soft keyboard.

Kurokawa Rin was carrying a notebook, but considering that after he left, no one would enter this place for several years. His laptop is not necessarily better than these old machines that can run continuously for 15 years without problems.

Of course, I also want to know that these machines, including the cable and network cable generators, are all specially made, it is better not to touch them.

First, write out the emails received from the boss in memory one by one, and set the sending time. In the past, he had doubts, why the boss's email sending time was always accurate to the minute, and he would choose a multiple of 5. Now he understands, it is for the convenience of his own memory.

As the best hacker and bounty hunter, Kurokawa Rin has an excellent memory, whether it is ten lines at a glance, multitasking, or instant memory. Only half of his understanding of the plot of the original Conan World comes from the memories of his previous life. After all, he is also very busy, and he really doesn't have time to watch more than 1,000 episodes of cartoons.

When he entered the system space for the first time, the countless screens played different Conan stories, which was the source of most of his information.

Therefore, this is also an ironclad proof that I have arranged this bureau-for another person, I would not believe that someone can remember all the content and receipt time of every email I have received in the past few years without preparation , It is also impossible to memorize hundreds of sent emails in the computer, and it will be a year or even a few years before you can go back to the past and send them.

Only you can trust yourself so much.

Slowly, he stopped moving and began to think again.

He can see all the past emails on this computer, and then he can go back to the past and copy them one by one. However, the ones sent to the future... He can only know what he received, and the emails received by the whiskey team, and a few times he saw it from the gin side. Could it be that the "boss" hasn't contacted other members of the organization in the following years?

There must be some key to this.

Rin Kurokawa tapped the table with his fingers, his brain was running fast, and unconsciously took out a piece of dark chocolate from his bag and took a bite.

The sweet and bitter taste melted between his lips and teeth, bringing his thoughts back to the chemical factory two years later, the smell of chocolate in the kitten's mouth.


His eyes lit up suddenly.

Seven years later, he received the note that his past self left to him through Shuichi Akai and Toru Amuro. In the last sentence, a lot of exclamation marks are used to express the three words of emotion: kill rum.

Why kill Rum, the organization's second-in-command? Just because of factions? No, it is completely possible to sell rum to the police, and at the same time give Jiang Gu zero credits, and it seems that the organization is indeed being destroyed, and use rum, the second in command, to keep the gin. But what my past self reminded me was: Kill Rum.

That's because the boss really had a very low sense of existence in the next few years, so he raised Rum's desire to seize power. And the essence of the organization he wants to snatch must have a conflict of interest with Rum. This level of struggle cannot be exposed in front of official institutions, so Rum must die in his hands!

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