Chapter 259 - 261

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(259) Choice

The policemen began to question the suspect.

The ramen master can directly poison the noodles, the lady sitting next to him can take advantage of the dead person's inattention to poison, and even Zhu Fu Jingguang can take the opportunity to poison during the dispute.

Speaking of motives, the ramen master owed the deceased money, and the deceased often came to collect debts and eat Bawang meals. The woman was originally the mistress of the deceased, but the age difference was almost 20 years old, and it was supposed to be one for money and the other for body, and each took what he needed. As for Zhu Fu Jingguang, he was also rejected by the deceased because of the door-to-door visit, and there was a dispute just this afternoon.

However, the results of the tests showed that the poison was not sprayed on the surface, and no toxin was detected in everything that the deceased could touch. On the body of the deceased, traces of toxins were detected only on the area around the lips that was touched by the foam that was spit out, and on the hand that was covering his throat and was also covered with foam.

Of course, nothing suspected of carrying poison was found in the belongings of the three suspects.

Even Conan was a little puzzled for a moment.

Arsenic trioxide is a very fast-acting poison. According to the testimony of eyewitnesses, the deceased suddenly fell down holding his throat when he started eating noodles. How could the poison not be in the noodles? If it is a mechanism to delay the onset, such as capsules, ice cubes, etc., the deceased did not order a drink, nor did he take the medicine.

So, where did the poison come from?

"Mr. Conan, do you have any clues?" Zhu Fu Jingguang asked in a low voice.

"It's all over." Conan pulled his hair and thought hard, and realized something was wrong after a while, and looked at him speechlessly, "Officer Luchuan, I'm still a child, it's useless if you ask me, otherwise... ...May I ask Sister Shiliang?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang: ...just pretend. Zero is not here, I don't count on you to solve the case Who do you count on?

"You weren't taught by Amuro-kun, are you going to become a detective like Amuro-kun in the future?" He asked back.

"That, that's the future." Conan laughed dryly, and quickly changed the subject, "Speaking of which, your invisible thing is in those belongings?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"But Officer Takagi didn't find anything just now." Conan was puzzled.

"It's well hidden, and it won't be discovered by ordinary inspections." Zhu Fu Jingguang smiled wryly before saying, "If it was found out so easily, I wouldn't dare to carry it with me, would I?"

"That's true." Conan nodded, frowning slightly.

Indeed, at present, the police are only opening the belongings to check the contents, and they will not cut open the interlayer of the wallet or pry open the lipstick tube, which will cause irreversible damage to the items. But if you can't find the poison container, you will definitely check your belongings a second time, and then you will be a little rougher.

However, one thing that concerned him was why did Haruka Midorikawa carry something related to the organization that could not be exposed, and still go in and out of the police station every day?

Although he is a policeman himself, no one will touch his things, but it seems that today he encountered a one-in-a-million unlucky situation!

Such an unprofessional operation does not seem to be done by Haruka Lvchuan. Or, does that thing itself have any meaning that must be carried on the body?

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