Chapter 16

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Gin Surrounded by Undercover Agents

Kurokawa Rin pulled Amuro Toru all the way to the back compartment.

The passengers had already begun to riot, and the marshals were busy appeasing them, let alone paying attention to them.

Rin Kurokawa spread the word "there seems to be something suspicious in the last carriage" calmly, and not long after, passengers flocked to the front carriage.

"Hurry up. After the passengers explain the situation, the marshals will come to investigate soon." Once a decision was made, Toru Amuro also entered the state immediately.

"Here." Kurokawa Rin let him go and came to the last car door.

"Can you open it manually?" Toru Amuro tried to break it.

"It's not impossible." Kurokawa Rin nodded, "I just want to find a suitable position for jumping."

"Unless you want to jump from the Sumida Canal Bridge, it doesn't make much difference where you jump?" Toru Amuro said helplessly.

"Sumida Canal Bridge?" Kurokawa Rin's heart moved.

"Hmm... um? That's right! The Sumida Canal Bridge was also designed by Teiji Moritani, and he won the Newcomer Award for that year." Toru Amuro recalled, "Could this be the reason why the prisoner chose to install the bomb on the loop line?" ?”

"What!" Kurokawa Rin's face was ugly, "Go, jump immediately! What if the tram blows up when it passes the bridge!"

Although according to the original book, the probability is very low, but he is used to being cautious and does not want to gamble on the 0.0001% probability. What if the storm fanned by his butterfly is too strong?

The two looked at each other, one on the left and one on the right, and together they forcefully opened the car door to make a gap for one person to get out sideways.

"You go first." Kurokawa Rin said.

"OK." Toru Amuro didn't waste any time, slid out of the car door, took a deep breath, looked for the foothold, jumped down, and hit the ground several times in a row to eliminate the momentum.

Kurokawa Rin followed, but did not jump down immediately. Instead, he grabbed the outside of the tram with one hand and, facing the strong wind, closed the opened door little by little before jumping down.

"Rin!" Amuro ran over panting, with a look of shock on his face, "What are you doing? It's too dangerous!"

"I'm sure." Kurokawa Rin took his hand and stood up with strength, with a calm expression, "If you don't close the door, the police will suspect that someone jumped out of the car afterwards."

"..." Toru Amuro was speechless.

Although this is the truth, why did we jump off? Is it simply because we don't trust the police and think the tram will blow up?

"Let's go, hurry up." Kurokawa looked at the direction and left the railway track.

"In a hurry?" Toru Amuro was even more puzzled.

Rin Kurokawa took out his mobile phone and dialed directly: "Gin Jiu, it's me."

Toru Amuro narrowed his eyes, and immediately shut his mouth tightly.

"Come and pick me up, alone. Change car, don't drive your fancy vintage Porsche."

"Mission, let's get the gunpowder that Rum wants, time waits for no one."

"Address? Wait... where are we now?"

The last sentence he asked Amuro Toru.

Toru Amuro sighed, leaned over and reported the location directly into the microphone.

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