Chapter 146 - 148

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(146) Jing Guang's Script

The most unforgettable event in Kenji Hagiwara's life was the closing of his father's factory before, and the figure he saw when he was hung outside the building by steel wires.

The injury made him lie in the hospital for three months. He couldn't see the face of the savior who was wrapped too tightly, but the eyes were impressive—they were blood-colored the red. However, after he was discharged from the hospital, he slowly recovered from the accident, and occasionally wondered whether what he saw was a pair of real red pupils, or just because the flames burning behind him made the pupils red. Or, it was his own blood that flowed into his eyes, staining his vision red.

He didn't tell Matsuda about this, and no one mentioned it, but he just buried it in his heart silently.

He didn't know until after he was discharged from the hospital that the body of the person who saved him had disappeared at the police station.

The monitoring was broken, and it was done cleanly.

But no one can figure out what is the use of stealing a charred corpse. If it is a family member or friend, just come and claim it, and you will be commended by the police station. Not so far, the file still can only be called "that unknown hero", and he...may never know who the person who saved his life is.

To this day, the prisoner is also dead.

No matter what Hagiwara Kenji thinks, he feels that there is a connection between the two. But why, after so many years, did it happen?

"So, this case will be settled in the end?" Zhu Fu Jingguang frowned and asked.

"Probably. The hands of this kind of professional killer, basically, even if they know who they are, they can't catch them." Matsuda spread his hands and said helplessly, "There are many wanted criminals in the world, who doesn't have a Killed people, how many were caught."

Zhu Fu Jingguang couldn't help being silent when he heard the words.

Only Kurokawa Rin looked normal and filled everyone's cups with drinks.

Well, gin is really easy to use and extremely efficient! What I ordered yesterday will be resolved the next day, and it will be done neatly.

Snipers... It's not just Rye and Scotland, isn't Gin himself?

"Mr. Kurokawa is very courageous." Matsuda Jinpei said.

"I won't do anything to provoke snipers, don't worry." Kurokawa Rin replied.

"..." Matsuda froze for a moment, his face suddenly became a little strange, and he glanced at Toru Amuro quietly, muttering in his heart.

That's hard to say, do you know who the person next to your pillow is? Yes, he is a public security policeman, but he is not a policeman who works from 9 to 5! Who knows how many threatening, vengeful mobsters you'd attract if his identity were revealed. After all, it's all Jiang Gu's fault, why can't we wait and finish the mission first before falling in love?

Once again, Toru Amuro felt the disgusted gaze of the same period, as if he almost wrote "You are a scum" on his face, and couldn't help being even more inexplicable.

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