Chapter 159 - 161

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(159) Killer Zero

Conan stood watching and couldn't help but mourn for the strange thief.

Although this group of policemen wore the uniforms of the second search section, their level of elite was completely different from the subordinates of the Nakamori police department. Everyone was in their place, and no one stepped into the smoke-shrouded confines, completely eliminating the possibility of creating an identity swap for Kidd.

The formation was drawn by Amuro Toru, and after he saw the number of people on the scene and the number of net guns, he temporarily modified it in Amuro Toru's name. At first, he was afraid that the police would not listen to him as a child, but he didn't expect that the leading police officer, Kazami, who was wearing glasses, didn't ask anything. Hearing that it was Toru Amuro's suggestion, he immediately revised it.

Although I didn't rehearse in advance because I was afraid of being exposed, I was very satisfied with the live effect.

This kind of coverage without dead ends, unless it becomes smaller than the mesh, look where he runs!

Amuro stood still.

The more you struggle, the tighter the net made by the net gun shrinks, so it is best not to resist.

The dense fog has been blown away by the wind, and the line of sight has gradually changed from being invisible to seeing the outlines of the surrounding policemen. only……

It seems like something is wrong.

By the way, it's the wind direction!

It's not that the wind direction has been changed, it's just that it's subtly shifted and more focused.

"Back!" he yelled, turning sharply behind him.

However, the policeman behind him didn't know him, he hesitated for a moment, and the white smoke drifted along the wind, drowning that part of the people.

Immediately, there was only a muffled "bang", and there was a sound of falling down.

"Kidd wants to take advantage of the chaos and escape!" Conan shouted.

Amuro clicked his tongue and shouted: "Don't move, pay attention to the people next to you, whoever moves is Kidd!"

At this moment, those who originally wanted to retreat out of the area covered by the white mist froze and remained motionless, vigilantly paying attention to the movement around them.

Four or five seconds later, the white mist faded a bit, and the situation on the open ground could basically be seen clearly.

Toru Amuro stood in the middle, with a few nets covering his body, but because he hadn't moved, the nets were loose. Less than two meters away from him, lying face down was a man wearing only a vest and shorts, with several layers of nets wrapped around his body, and Kidd's white coat and top hat were scattered beside him. Obviously an unlucky policeman whose identity was changed by Kidd, who was also knocked out.

However, if you can't see the face, you don't know which unlucky colleague it is.

A police officer on the periphery answered the phone and said loudly: "Mr. Anshi, our chief has said, what to do, follow your instructions."

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