Chapter 6

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[System, why is Scotland still alive? 】

[This is the self-correction of the world line. 】

【Hey, I'm in the world of Detective Conan? 】

[Host, the storm that can be fanned by one person is far better than a butterfly. 】

Rin Kurokawa tapped his fingers rhythmically on the steering wheel while thinking.

Butterfly effect? However, even if there is a butterfly effect, shouldn't it start from the moment he enters the world? Unless, in this world, there has always been a "Kurokawa Rin" who is constantly interfering in the plot.

Scotland is alive, what about the rest of the people who are supposed to be dead? Looks like you can't rely too much on the script.

Picking up the phone to read the message again, and deleting it, he began to think about the content of the message.

It seems that Scotland is his downline, so the question is: does the organization know? Does the police know?

And, in the original book, Akai Shuuichi and Furutani Rei are supposed to be at the death scene in Scotland, do you know?

As for the news itself, it is easy to understand. The second search section is dedicated to dealing with intelligent criminals. If you want to sneak in there, there is no other value except Kaitou Kidd.

The dark star... seems to be a black pearl of the Suzuki family.

Phantom Thief Kidd.

Kurokawa Rin couldn't help laughing, he was not interested in Kidd's superb disguise technique, pretending to be a specific person is not enough to have only one face, it is not very useful. What he wants is Kidd's hang glider that can take off anytime and anywhere, and can be hidden in his clothes so that he can't see it at all. This kind of unscientific props can only appear in the world of Conan.

There are also a bunch of props used by Conan. Why haven't inventors like Dr. Ali been caught and squeezed by special agencies in various countries?

The Suzuki Consortium has not publicly exhibited the Dark Star, so there is no rush to contact Kidd.

Conan went camping, which happened to be convenient for him to go out tomorrow night.

That's right, Kurokawa Rin didn't plan to ask someone to deliver things, what he planned was - to go by himself.

However, preparation still needs to be done.

He took out his mobile phone again and sent a text message to Akai Shuichi. The number was of course the local number of the mobile phone he had checked when he called Gin.

[Did you bring your partner with you when you returned to Japan? 】

Half a minute later, the screen lit up, and the other party only replied with a 【? 】

Rin Kurokawa smiled and continued typing: [Tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the evening, find a sniper spot where you can see the Gravity Bar in Mihua Town, and let me know when you are ready. 】

This time, it was obvious that Akai Hideichi was holding the phone, and the reply was quick: 【Understood. Target? 】

[I'll know when the time comes. ] Rin Kurokawa finished writing, pressed the send button, threw the phone into his pocket, and started the car.

For him, the tequila incident is a thing of the past.

He had checked the box of trading items last night. They were some software technical documents. He probably knew what the organization wanted them to do, but they were of no use to him. They were far less attractive than bombs and Japanese yen. It doesn't matter. At present, the primary goal is to figure out who he is in the organization and how he relates to other members.

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