Chapter 150 - 152

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(150) Said Don't Make Bourbon Angry

In the venue, Belmode hung up the phone, thoughtful.

She just seemed to hear Bourbon's voice over the gin? And children, what the hell are you doing?

Putting the phone back into her pocket, she couldn't help but stiffen.

No - the handkerchief given by the organizers in my pocket is missing!

Belmode never believed that he would accidentally throw away this kind of thing, but who... unless?

There is only one person who is close to her and has the ability to take things from her pocket without anyone noticing...Japanese whiskey, Shirakawa Yanichi. But why take her handkerchief away?

Not far away, Councilor Shigehiko Tunkou was crushed under the crystal lamp, and there was a pool of blood on the ground, and he seemed to be dying.

Belmode was called by Gin to support Pisco, and he knew who did it, but... why did Japanese whiskey come to the venue? And it's not Bourbon but the girl from the Miyano family.

Kurokawa Rin turned around, looked at each other, raised the corners of his lips slightly, and hung up the phone.

At this moment, a large group of policemen headed by Mumu Police Department broke in and stopped all the guests.

Belmode pretended to be ignorant, asked in English, and was shocked: the police came too fast, it was as if someone called the police before the case happened, and so many police came , Obviously someone the police trusts very much.

The first thing she suspected was the Japanese whiskey that suddenly appeared at the mission site, but she quickly denied this guess.

Japanese Whiskey only made a phone call at the venue, and by looking at the expression on his face, he knew that the call was for Bourbon. Besides, if it was a call to the police, the police would not have come so quickly.

Of course, Kurokawa Rin was definitely not the one who called the police, because it was Zhu Fu Jingguang who called the police.

As for how to get the police to take it seriously... It's very simple, just call the Metropolitan Police Department anonymously and say that there is a bomb in the banquet hall. There are so many celebrities gathered here today, the Metropolitan Police Department can't help but ignore it. No, he had already seen the explosive ordnance disposal team led by Matsuda Jinpei and Hagiwara Kenji.

The Mumu Police Department has one head and two big ones. He received an anonymous report that there was a bomb in the Beihu City Hotel, but when he arrived at the scene, he found that someone was indeed dead, but not by the bombing. The most troublesome thing is that the identity of the dead person is not simple, it is Tunkou Councilor!

Matsuda Jinping took his men down to search for explosives, and the criminal case was handed over to the Megure Police Department. However, Hagiwara Kenji also followed: "Mr. Shirakawa, what a coincidence, we meet again."

"Officer Hagiwara." Kurokawa Rin nodded coldly, and handed over a purple handkerchief in his hand.

"This is?" Hagiwara Kenji was taken aback.

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